JobScheduler uses two methods for remote execution: JobScheduler Agents and Agentless Scheduling per SSH.
- Agents are used in a Master / Agent Cluster and are completely controlled by a Master JobScheduler. They are used for simplified roll-out do and not require an individual configuration and database connection.
- Remote execution by SSH does not require a JobScheduler component on the remote server - instead an existing SSH server is used to create a secure shell and to execute commands and programs.
Any number of JobScheduler Universal Agents are controlled by a Master JobScheduler in a Master / Agent Cluster and are used for carrying out remote scheduling tasks.- Agents are equipped with a reduced set of functions that allows simplified roll-out and configuration.
- Agents do not require a database connection and do not dispose of individual configuration files as job execution on an Agent is triggered by its Master and the Agent logs the execution result to its Master.
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The SSH (Secure Shell) JITL job (JobSchedulerSSHJob) allows a JobScheduler to execute programs on another computer without a JobScheduler Agent being installed on that machine.The JobSchedulerSSHJob allows execution on Windows and Unix systems.
- The elegance of SSH is its simplicity. It allows public/private key authentication and is well suited to execute programs for specific accounts.
- The JobScheduler SSH JITL job allows shell scripts to return values to JobScheduler orders as parameters.
- One of the restrictions of standard SSH connections is that there is limited control of child processes on the remote host.
- If a number of child processes are spawned by a program during an SSH session and that session gets killed then these child processes would normally continue running.
- The JobScheduler provides a method for monitoring SSH connections that allows both remote sessions and local JobScheduler tasks to be terminated.
- The JobScheduler provides a means of controlling the behavior of standard error output and exit codes of shell commands using the SSH JITL Job.
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