About these tutorials
These tutorials provide an introduction to configuring and running JobScheduler Jobs and Orders, starting with running the simplest possible 'Hello World' example of a Job.
Although the JobScheduler is often run in batch mode or from the command line and JobScheduler objects such as Jobs, Orders and Schedules are often edited with a code editor, these tutorials make extensive of the JobScheduler's JOC Cockpit and JOE graphic interfaces:
- The JOC Cockpit (the JobScheduler Operations Center Cockpit) provides a convenient method of operating and monitoring jobs and orders and making on-the-fly changes.
The JOC Cockpit also provides a convenient interface for accessing JobScheduler log files. - JOE (the JobScheduler Object Editor) provides a convenient way of creating and editing JobScheduler objects such as Jobs, Orders and Schedules.
- JobScheduler - Tutorials - Introduction and Requirements
- JobScheduler - Tutorial 1 - Running a simple job using the JOC Cockpit
- JobScheduler - Tutorial 2 - Editing a Simple Job with JOE
- JobScheduler - Tutorial 3 - Running an Order Using the Run Time Parameter
- JobScheduler - Tutorial 4 - Configuring and Running a JITL Job
- JobScheduler - Tutorial 5 - The YADE JITL Job - Configuring and running file transfer jobs
- JobScheduler - Tutorial 6 - Configuring and Running Standalone Jobs