
This documentation - i.e. this article and the other JobScheduler Master - Installation Guide articles listed at the foot of this page - describe the installation of the JobScheduler Master, based on Version 1.11.0. The installation procedure for older versions will only marginally differ from that described here.


Procedure Overview

The following steps are required when making a new installation of the JobScheduler, in the order listed below:

  • Database Configuration

    • The JobScheduler Master requires use of at least one database. The JobScheduler Master uses the database to archive logs and to remember Job and Order states. 
      • (A JobScheduler Agent doesn't require a database: it doesn't have its own Jobs or Orders and logging is carried out the JobScheduler Master which calls the Agent.)
      • Several JobScheduler Masters installed on different hosts can share a central database. 
      • JobScheduler Masters are operated by Web Services that record reporting information about the Jobs and Orders run and changes made by operating staff.
        • The reporting information can be stored in the same database as used by the JobScheduler Master(s) or in a separate Reporting database.
        • A separate Reporting database can be run on a different database management systems (DBMSs) to that used by the JobScheduler Masters.
      • See the JOC Cockpit - Architecture and Database Configuration articles for further information.
    • The supported DBMSs are listed in the Which Database Management Systems are supported by JobScheduler? article.
    • Database Drivers

    • Because of licensing restrictions when used with MySql®, Sybase or Microsoft® SQL Server, a JDBC® driver appropriate to the database version being used must be provided by end users themselves. 
      • Alternatively, a jTDS JDBC® driver, which is delivered with the JobScheduler setup, can be used for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases. 
      • Also delivered with the JobScheduler setup are: 
        • The MariaDB® driver, which can be used for MySql Server and MariaDB databases.
        • The Oracle® ojdbc6 ODBC driver which supports the database version 11g.
          Users requiring the Oracle® ojdbc7 ODBC driver must download this driver from the Oracle web site and specify that it is used during installation of the JobScheduler. This is necessary because of license restrictions.
        • A driver for PostgreSQL.
  • JobScheduler Installation

  • Operating Interfaces

    • JOC - JobScheduler Operations Center was the operating interface provided for the JobScheduler Master up to Versions 1.10.x. FEATURE AVAILABILITY ENDING WITH RELEASE 1.11
      • JOC is still being included with the 1.11.x versions of the JobScheduler Master but will not be included with the 1.12.x versions .
    • The JOC Cockpit is replacing JOC and is available for use with JobScheduler Master Version 1.11.x. FEATURE AVAILABILITY STARTING FROM RELEASE 1.11
      • The JOC Cockpit is not compatible with JobScheduler Master Versions 1.10.x or older. The JOC Cockpit is available as a separate download from the SOS Web-Site and from Source Forge.
      • Installation instructions for the JOC Cockpit can be found in the JOC Cockpit - Installation article.

Pre-Installation Requirements

The JobScheduler Master is available for Linux and Microsoft Windows in 64-bit and 32-bit versions. Download links are listed above. The JobScheduler Universal Agent should be used for all other operating systems together with a JobScheduler Master.

General Requirements

Remote Configuration

If you use Remote Configuration then the Workload JobSchedulers and their Supervisor JobScheduler should have the same versions. Further information about "Remote Configuration" can be found in the Which components will be installed on a client and how will jobs be started there? article.

Requirements for the 64-Bit JobScheduler

  • Oracle Java® Runtime Environment (JRE) or OpenJDK 64-Bit in version 1.8.x. 
  • For Unix®
    • A shell in /bin/sh (or a symlink) 
    • The JobScheduler requires some 64-Bit libraries.These are on Linux:

    • Two components (JobScheduler Object Editor (JOE) and JobScheduler Information Dashboard (JID)) of the JobScheduler are SWT applications which require an X-window system and GTK2. The installation includes a 64-Bit swt.jar, so you will also need the following 64-Bit libraries:

Requirements for the 32-Bit JobScheduler

  • An Oracle Database Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or OpenJDK 32-Bit in version 1.8.x.  
  • For Unix: 
    • Two JobScheduler components (the JobScheduler Object Editor, JOE, and JobScheduler Information Dashboard, JID,) are SWT applications and require an X-windows system and GTK2. The installation includes a 32-bit swt.jar but the following 32-Bit libraries are still required:
  • For Microsoft Windows:
    • The msvcr100.dll library must be stored in C:\windows\system32 and also in C:\windows\SysWOW64 on 64-Bit Microsoft Windows.
    • You find the msvcr100.dll in the Java installation [Java Runtime Environment (JRE) install path]\bin.

List of Pages in this Installation Guide