JobScheduler Demon on Unix®

On Unix systems, the JobScheduler is operated as a demon.To start and stop the JobScheduler use the script:

Example: Starting the JobScheduler on Unix®
$SCHEDULER_HOME/bin/ start
Example: Stopping the JobScheduler on Unix®

In addition to start and stop, this script accepts additional parameters, e.g.debug, restart, abort and kill. If you want the JobScheduler to be started automatically at server startup then please follow the steps which are described in the How do we get JobScheduler to auto start on Linux? article.

If the JobScheduler doesn't start then look into the $SCHEDULER_DATA/logs/scheduler.log for the reason. You may be missing dependent libraries.This can be checked with:


JobScheduler Service for Microsoft® Windows®

On Microsoft Windows systems, the JobScheduler is installed as service.You can find the JobScheduler service by opening the Microsoft Windows service panel and looking for a service with a name starting with "SOS JobScheduler". The service has the system account after the setup. The service is configured to be started automatically at server startup.

You can start and stop the service in the Microsoft Windows service panel with:

Example: Starting the JobScheduler service on Microsoft Windows
sc.exe start sos_scheduler_[JobSchedulerId]
Example: Stopping the JobScheduler service on Microsoft Windows
sc.exe stop sos_scheduler_[JobSchedulerId]

...where [JobSchedulerId] is the Id of the JobScheduler. 

Further you can start the JobScheduler from the command line. Ensure that the service has not already been started and use the following script:

Example: Starting the JobScheduler service on Microsoft Windows
$SCHEDULER_HOME\bin\jobscheduler.cmd start
Example: Stopping the JobScheduler service on Microsoft Windows
$SCHEDULER_HOME\bin\jobscheduler.cmd stop

In addition to start and stop, this script accepts additional parameters, e.g.debug, restart, abort and kill. If the JobScheduler doesn't start then look at the $SCHEDULER_DATA/logs/scheduler.log for the reason.