
The JOC Cockpit comes with a REST Web Service interface for JSON. This interface is used for access to the job inventory and the job history as well as individual objects such as jobs, job chains and orders and provides current status information.


  • The REST Web Service is called by using an HTTP client that sends JSON based requests and that receives JSON based responses.
  • The following REST Web Service requests are supported:
    • URL joc/api/security/login
      • The first operation of a client should be call to this URL in order to authenticate and to retrieve an access token.
      • A valid account and password have to be provided by the client for HTTP authentication. The account and permissions for the command(s) to be executed are configured with the shiro.ini configuration file. See the Authentication and Authorization - Configuration article and the example api_user configuration for further information.
      • Use the joc/api/security/joc_cockpit_permissions URL to retrieve the permissions for the current user.
    • URL  joc/api/* 
      • Subsequent calls to URLs can retrieve the job inventory and current information about jobs and job chains.
      • The JOC Cockpit REST Web Service will return the respective JSON response.
    • URL joc/api/security/logout
      • The last operation of a client should be a call to this URL in order to logout from the web service.
  • Requirements
    • REST Web Service requests should use HTTP POST or GET operations as indicated.
    • Should an idle timeout of 15 minutes between two web service requests be exceeded then the current session is invalidated and a login has to be performed.
  • Example: Get status information about a job chain and job
    • Find attached example for use with curl. We do not consider curl to be perfectly prepared to handle web service requests, however, it shows the building blocks:

      Sample for use with curl to get status information on job chains and jobs
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Protocol, host and port of JOC Cockpit
      # Identification of JobScheduler instance
      # Path and name of Job Chain
      # Path and name of Job
      # Base64 encoded string "user:password" for JOC Cockpit authentication. The below string represents "root:root"
      JS_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION="`echo "root:root" | base64`"
      # -----------------------------------------
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Perform login
      echo ""
      JS_JSON="`curl -k -s -S -X POST -i -m 15 -H "Authorization: Basic $JS_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JS_URL/joc/api/security/login`"
      JS_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo $JS_JSON | grep -Po '"accessToken":.*?[^\\]"' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d \" )
      # -----------------------------------------
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Get the status of a job chain
      echo ""
      echo "Get the status of a job chain"
      # Execute web service request
      JS_REST_BODY="{ \"jobschedulerId\": \"$JS_ID\", \"compact\": true, \"jobChain\": \"$JS_JOB_CHAIN\" }"
      JS_JSON="`curl -k -s -S -X POST -d "$JS_REST_BODY" -i -m 15 -H "X-Access-Token: $JS_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" $JS_URL/joc/api/job_chain`"
      echo $JS_JSON
      # -----------------------------------------
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Get the status of a job
      echo ""
      echo "Get the status of a job"
      # Execute web service request
      JS_REST_BODY="{ \"jobschedulerId\": \"$JS_ID\", \"compact\": true, \"job\": \"$JS_JOB\" }"
      JS_JSON="`curl -k -s -S -X POST -d "$JS_REST_BODY" -i -m 15 -H "X-Access-Token: $JS_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" $JS_URL/joc/api/job`"
      echo $JS_JSON
      # -----------------------------------------
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Perform logout
      echo ""
      curl -k -s -S -X POST -i -m 15 -H "X-Access-Token: $JS_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JS_URL/joc/api/security/logout
      # -----------------------------------------
      echo ""
    • Explanations
      • Line 7: Depending on your JOC Cockpit installation the protocol will be http or https. The default port is 4446 but might have been modified during setup.
      • Line 10: The JobScheduler ID is specified during installation of the Master and identifies a Master standalone instance or a Master cluster.
      • Line 13, 16: Specify the full path and name to the job chain and job that you want to receive status information for
      • Line 19, 20: Default credentials after installation include the account "root" and password "root". The credentials might have been changed after setup of JOC Cockpit.
      • Lin 27: Consider to use Basic HTTP authentication
      • Line 28: The request to the /security/login web service returns an access token that is used with further requests.
      • Line 38, 39: Consider the JSON body created for the request and the URL used for status information about job chains.
      • Line 49, 50: Consider the JSON body created for the request and the URL used for status information about jobs.
      • Line 59: Always perform a logout and consider the session idle timeout.
  • Example: Suspend an order
    • Find attached example for use with curl. We do not consider curl to be perfectly prepared to handle web service requests, however, it shows the building blocks:

      Sample for use with curl to suspend an order
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Protocol, host and port of JOC Cockpit
      # Identification of JobScheduler instance
      # -----------------------------------------
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Base64 encoded string "user:password" for JOC Cockpit authentication. The below string represents "root:root"
      # JS_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION="cm9vdDpyb290"
      # Alternatively base64 encode and strip the last 4 bytes
      JS_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION="`echo "root:root" | base64`"
      # -----------------------------------------
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Perform login
      echo ""
      JS_JSON="`curl -k -s -S -X POST -i -m 15 -H "Authorization: Basic $JS_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JS_URL/joc/api/security/login`"
      JS_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo $JS_JSON | grep -Po '"accessToken":.*?[^\\]"' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d \" )
      # -----------------------------------------
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Suspend a specific order identified by its ID from a given job chain specified by its full path
      echo ""
      JS_REST_BODY="{ \"jobschedulerId\": \"$JS_ID\", \"orders\": [{ \"orderId\": \"order1\", \"jobChain\": \"/agent/job_chain1\" }] }"
      # Execute web service request
      curl -k -s -S -X POST -d "$JS_REST_BODY" -i -m 15 -H "X-Access-Token: $JS_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JS_URL/joc/api/orders/suspend
      # -----------------------------------------
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Perform logout
      echo ""
      curl -k -s -S -X POST -i -m 15 -H "X-Access-Token: $JS_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JS_URL/joc/api/security/logout
      # -----------------------------------------
      echo ""

    • Explanations
      • Line 7: Depending on your JOC Cockpit installation the protocol will be http or https. The default port is 4446 but might have been modified during setup.
      • Line 10: The JobScheduler ID is specified during installation of the Master and identifies a Master standalone instance or a Master cluster.
      • Line 19, 20: Default credentials after installation include the account "root" and password "root". The credentials might have been changed after setup of JOC Cockpit.
      • Lin 27: Consider to use Basic HTTP authentication
      • Line 28: The request to the /security/login web service returns an access token that is used with further requests.
      • Line 36, 39: Suspending an order includes to specify with the request body the JobSchedulerID, the order id and the full path of the job chain.
      • Line 47: Always perform a logout and consider the session idle timeout.
  • Example: List suspended orders
    • Find attached example for use with curl

      Sample for use with curl to list suspended orders
      # ----------------------------------------
      # Protocol, host and port of JOC Cockpit
      # Identification of JobScheduler instance
      # -----------------------------------------
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Base64 encoded string "user:password" for JOC Cockpit authentication. The below string represents "root:root"
      JS_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION="`echo "root:root" | base64`"
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Perform login
      echo ""
      JS_JSON="`curl -k -s -S -X POST -i -m 15 -H "Authorization: Basic $JS_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JS_URL/joc/api/security/login`"
      JS_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo $JS_JSON | grep -Po '"accessToken":.*?[^\\]"' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d \" )
      # -----------------------------------------
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Get orders with status "suspended"
      echo ""
      echo "Get suspended orders"
      # Execute web service request
      JS_REST_BODY="{ \"jobschedulerId\": \"$JS_ID\", \"compact\": true, \"processingStates\": [\"SUSPENDED\"] }"
      JS_JSON="`curl -k -s -S -X POST -d "$JS_REST_BODY" -i -m 15 -H "X-Access-Token: $JS_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" $JS_URL/joc/api/orders`"
      echo $JS_JSON
      # -----------------------------------------
      # -----------------------------------------
      # -----------------------------------------
      # Perform logout
      echo ""
      curl -k -s -S -X POST -i -m 15 -H "X-Access-Token: $JS_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JS_URL/joc/api/security/logout
      # -----------------------------------------
      echo ""

    • Explanations
      • Line 29: The request body specifies the JobScheduler ID and the processing state "SUSPENDED", for details see API Documentation.



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