Branch 2.0 comes as a separate product, branded as JS7 JobScheduler. JobScheduler branch 1.x will be available in parallel for around two years. 
We strive for continuity in our release planning: see How long will you support the different versions of JobScheduler and YADE? for more information.

With the first release of JS7 JobScheduler 2.0 a limited set of features is available that is intended for new users of the product who are seeking high performance in larger scheduling environments. Users of JobScheduler 1.x are recommended to stick to ongoing releases of this branch until full feature compatibility of branch 2.0 and relevant migration utilities become available, see JS7 - Changes compared to JobScheduler Releases 1.x for details.

Upcoming Releases

Release 2.8.0

  • Minor Release: approx. November 2024
  • Features
    • YADE 2.0: a rewrite of the YADE file transfer utility
    • Prediction of job executions
    • Mount dependencies to the Daily Plan
    • Improvements to Control-M® Job Converter
    • Autosys® Job Converter
  • For details see Release 2.8.0

Release 2.6.7

Release 2.5.10

Release 2.7.1

Past Releases

Release 2.7.0

  • LTS Minor Release: 2024-04-23
  • Features
    • Switch to Scala 3
    • Replace Monix by Cats Effect 3
    • Switch to Java 17 as the minimum version used for JOC Cockpit, Controller and Agents
    • JS7 - Encryption and Decryption
  • For details see Release 2.7.0

Release 2.6.6

Release 2.5.9

Release 2.6.5

  • Maintenance Release: 2023-02-02
  • Features
    • GUI Improvements for bulk operations on Daily Plan
    • Git integration improvements
    • Includes YADE 1.13.22
  • For details see Release 2.6.5

Release 2.5.8

  • LTS Last Public Maintenance Release: 2024-02-02
  • Features
    • GUI Improvements for bulk operations on Daily Plan
    • Git integration improvements
    • Includes YADE 1.13.22
  • For details see Release 2.5.8

Release 2.6.4

  • Maintenance Release: 2023-12-14
  • Features
    • Improvements for tagging of workflows
    • Signature key management improvements
    • Includes YADE 1.13.21
  • For details see Release 2.6.4

Release 2.5.7

  • LTS Maintenance Release: 2023-12-13
  • Features
    • Improvements for tagging of workflows
    • Signature key management improvements
    • Includes YADE 1.13.21
  • For details see Release 2.5.7

Release 2.6.3

  • Maintenance Release: 2023-11-13
  • Features
    • Daily Plan Projections
    • Tagging of Workflows
    • Limit processes per Agent
    • Replace Akka by Pekko in Controller and Agent
    • Improve support for Node Arguments
    • Offer compatibility with Java 21
  • For details see Release 2.6.3

Release 2.5.6

  • LTS Maintenance Release: 2023-11-09
  • Features
    • Daily Plan Projections
    • Tagging of Workflows
    • Limit processes per Agent
    • Replace Akka by Pekko in Controller and Agent
    • Improve support for Node Arguments
    • Offer compatibility with Java 21
  • For details see Release 2.5.6

Release 2.6.2

  • Maintenance Release: 2023-08-28
  • Minor Features
    • Read TLS keys and certificates on change of Keystore and Truststore files
    • Usability improvements for JOC Cockpit.
    • Use of undeclared variables.
  • For details see Release 2.6.3

Release 2.5.5

  • LTS Maintenance Release: 2023-08-28
  • Minor Features
    • Usability improvements for JOC Cockpit.
    • Use of undeclared variables.
  • For details see Release 2.5.5

Release 2.6.1

  • Maintenance Release: 2023-07-28
  • Features
    • Java interface for user-defined Java jobs
    • Support for GraalVM based JavaScript jobs
  • For details see Release 2.6.1

Release 2.5.4

  • LTS Maintenance Release: 2023-07-27
  • Features
    • Allow orders to be added to deeper levels of a workflow
    • OIDC Authentication supports mapping of policies to roles
    • Operate JOC Cockpit as an API Server
    • Provide task logs and order logs from files
    • Java interface for user-defined Java jobs
    • Support for GraalVM based JavaScript jobs
  • For details see Release 2.5.4

Release 2.6.0

Release 2.5.3

Release 2.5.2

Release 2.5.1

  • LTS Maintenance Release: 2022-12-21
  • Features
    • Notification about service errors and warnings
  • For details see Release 2.5.1

Release 2.5.0

Release 2.4.1

  • Maintenance Release: 2022-09-05
  • Features
    • Export/import Agent configurations
    • User defined JS7 - Job Templates
    • User sessions can be cancelled by administrators
    • Migration support for JobScheduler 1.x job streams by conversion utilities
  • For details see Release 2.4.1

Release 2.4.0

  • General Availability Release:
    • Release Candidate: 2022-07-15
    • Final Release: 2022-07-19
  • Features
    • User intervention features without prior deployment of objects:
      • Suspend and continue workflows
      • Set start position and end positions for orders in a workflow
      • Skip execution of jobs in a workflow
      • Allow breakpoints in workflow execution
    • Full migration support for JobScheduler 1.x releases by conversion utilities
    • Full feature compatibility compared to JobScheduler 1.x releases
  • For details see Release 2.4.0

Release 2.3.2

  • Maintenance Release: 2022-06-03
  • No major features are introduced, this release exclusively includes bug-fixes and minor features that are designed to be free from side effects.
  • Features
    • Anonymize Log files
    • Check history of workflows and jobs from JITL Job Template
  • For details see Release 2.3.2

Release 2.3.1

  • Maintenance Release: 2022-05-04
  • No major features are introduced, this release exclusively includes bug-fixes and minor features that are designed to be free from side effects.
  • For details see Release 2.3.1

Release 2.3.0

Release 2.2.3

Release 2.2.2

Release 2.2.1

Release 2.2.0

  • General Availability Release: 2021-12-23
  • Features
    • Active Clustering for Agents (experimental)
    • Built-in authentication service as a replacement for Apache Shiro
    • Support for use of HashiCorp® Vault authentication service
  • Bug-fixes for Log4j vulnerabilities CVE-2021-45105CVE-2021-45046
  • For details see Release 2.2.0

Release 2.1.2

Release 2.1.1

Release 2.1.0

  • General Availability Release: 2021-10-28
  • Features
    • Improvements to workflow patterns
    • Performance Improvements
  • For details see Release 2.1.0

Release 2.0.1

  • Maintenance Release: 2021-10-08
  • Features
    • GUI Performance Improvements
    • Improved bulk operations for larger numbers of orders
  • For details see Release 2.0.1

Release 2.0.0

  • General Availability Release: 2021-09-22
  • Release Candidate: 2021-08-19
  • Preview Release: May 2021

  • No labels