
  • Release Type: Gerneral Availability Release
  • Release Candidate: 2016-12-21 (RC1), 2017-01-03 (RC2), 2017-01-13 (RC3), 2017-01-27 (RC4), 2017-02-17 (RC5), 2017-02-28 (RC6)
  • Date of shipment: 2017-03-20


Developed following the principles of “Keeping things simple” and “Minimization of clicks”, the JOC Cockpit brings a modern, responsive user interface, REST Web Services API and finely configurable authentication and authorization to Open Source job scheduling.

The JOC Cockpit completely replaces and extends the functions of the classic JOC and the JobScheduler Information Dashboard, JID, so that a single interface is sufficient for carrying out all tasks - from monitoring jobs and job chains to checking logs from the history. The classic JOC is included with the release for nostalgic reasons and is available for HTTP only, not for HTTPS with Jetty.


  • Please consider to download both the JOC Cockpit and the JobScheduler Master.
  • For initial login to the JOC Cockpit use the account "root" and password "root".
  • Users who operate one the previous release candidates should consider to check their ./joc/resources/joc/shiro.ini configuration file and to update additional permissions for use of the Audit Log and shared Customizations from the shiro.ini-example file (not required if the "all" role for the account "root" has been used).


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