The JOC Cockpit offers folders and tags to organize JS7 - Workflows:
- Workflows are stored in folders. Users can create any level of sub-folders to store workflows.
- In addition, workflows can be tagged to create individual selections of workflows in the Configuration view, Workflows view and Daily Plan view.
Workflow Folders
Workflows are stored in folders that offer a number of operations from a folder's action menu:
Folder Operations:
- Cut, Copy, Paste: The clipboard operations to move or to copy a folder to a different name or location.
- Shallow Copy: By default The Copy operation performs a deep copy which means that any objects referenced by workflows will be copied too, for example JS7 - Resource Locks. A shallow copy will copy workflows only and will keep the references in place.
- Rename: Offers to rename a workflow and to move the workflow to a different location:
- If the New Path specifies a name then the workflow will be renamed.
- If the New Path specifies a path of folder, optional sub-folders and Workflow name, for example
, then the workflow will be relocated and optionally will be renamed.
Workflow Tags
Configuration View
Workflows can be assigned one or more tags. When switching from the Folder sub-tab to the Tags sub-tab then existing tags are available from a list:
- A workflow can be assigned one or more tags.
- This makes the same workflow appear with different tags like this:
To add, update or remove tags from a workflow it's action menu offers the Manage Tags operation like this:
Workflows View
When switching from the Folder sub-tab to the Tags sub-tab then tagged workflows can be made available like this:
- Manage the list of tags:
- The icon open a popup window to select from the list of existing tags.
- The icon offers to add all tags to the list of tags.
- The icon offers to remove all tags from the list of tags.
- The icon offers to search for tags by name and to add selected tags to the current list.
- Select tags
- If the name of a tag is clicked then the tag will be selected and any other tags will be unselected. The related workflows holding the selected tag will be displayed.
- If the checkboxes of tags are checked then workflows will be displayed holding any of the selected tags.
Daily Plan View
The view offers to add tags to a list and to select orders related to tagged workflows:
The handling of tags corresponds to what is explained with the Workflows view.