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  • If using LDAP for authentication it is possible to secure the connection with starttls
  • This article describes the steps required to set up communication with starttls


  • The Java Keytools is installed with your Java JRE.
  • Your LDAP server is configured to use starttls
  • Your LDAP Realm configuration in the shiro configuration file contains 

Set up a secure connection to your LDAP Server 

This configuration is applied in order to enable starttls in the communication to the LDAP Server.

In the following the placeholders JOC_HOMEJETTY_HOME and JETTY_BASE are used which locate three directories. If you install Jetty with the JOC installer then

  • JOC_HOME is the installation path which is specified during the JOC Cockpit installation:
  • JETTY_BASE is Jetty's base directory which is specified during the JOC Cockpit installation:

Step 1: Create the Java Keystore for Jetty

  • Create the Java Keystore using the Keytools from your Java JRE.
    • Generate the Java Keystore with the private key and certificate for Jetty and export the certificate to the Keystore that is later on used by the browsers.
      • Example

        Sample for generate Keystore with private key and certificate
        keytool -genkey -alias "joc" -dname "CN=jocHost,O=myCompany" -validity 1461 -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -keypass secret_key -keystore "JETTY_BASE/etc/joc.jks" -storepass secret_store


        • Replace the JETTY_BASE placeholder as specified above.
        • The -dname option specifies the certificate issuer, therefore use your own set of CN, OU, DC that specify the issuer's distinguished name. The O setting is required for the issuer.
        • The -keypass option accepts the password that you will need later on to manage your private key. 
        • The -keystore option specifies the location of your Keystore file.
        • The -storepass option specifies the password for access to your Keystore file.


Step 2: Configure Jetty

  • Edit the following entries in the JETTY_BASE/start.ini configuration file corresponding to the Java Keystore:

    ## Keystore file path (relative to $jetty.base)
    ## Truststore file path (relative to $jetty.base)
    ## Keystore password
    ## KeyManager password
    ## Truststore password


    • Specify the location of the Keystore with the keyStorePath setting and optionally of the Truststore with the trustStorePath setting. A location relative to the JETTY_BASE directory can be specified.
    • Specify the password for your Keystore with the keyStorePassword setting. If a Truststore is used then specify its password accordingly with the trustStorePassword setting.
    • The password specified with the keyManagerPassword setting is used for acces to your private key.


Step 3: Import your certificat to the JOC Cockpit Web Service Truststore

The following steps are performed on the server that hosts the JOC Cockpit.

    • Example

      Sample for import master certificate
      keytool -importcert -noprompt -file "myCertificate.pem" -alias "my_alias" -keystore "JETTY_BASE/etc/joc.jks" -storepass secret_store -trustcacerts
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