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    • Example for import of a public certificate to a JOC Cockpit Truststore in JKS format:

      Code Block
      titleExmple for import of LDAP Server public certificate to JKS Keystore
      # import LDAP server public certificate to a truststore (joc.jks) by specifying the certificate file (ldap-certificate.crt) and alias name (ldap)
      keytool -importcert -noprompt -file "ldap-certificate.crt" -alias "ldap" -keystore "JETTY_BASE/etc/joc.jks" -storepass secret_store -trustcacerts
    • Example for import of a public certificate to a JOC Cockpit Truststore in PKCS12 format:

      Code Block
      titleExmple for import of LDAP Server public certificate to PKCS12 Keystore
      # import LDAP server public certificate to a truststore (joc.p12) by specifying the certificate file (ldap-certificate.crt) and alias name (ldap)
      keytool -importcert -noprompt -file "ldap-certificate.crt" -alias "ldap" -keystore "JETTY_BASE/etc/joc.p12" -storetype pkcs12 -storepass secret_store -trustcacerts
  • The -keystore option specifies the location of your Truststore file.
  • The -storepass option specifies the password for access to your Truststore file.
  • The public certificate file ldap-ertificate.crt should be available from the LDAP server. Transfer this file to the JOC Cockpit server. Alternatively the public certificate can be requested on-the-fly.
    • Example for request of public certificate:

      Code Block
      titleExample for export request of public certificate from LDAP server
      # connect to the LDAP server (ldap_server) with the available port (636), in the server response you should find the public certificate that you can copy & paste to a certificate file
      openssl s_client -connect ldap_server:636
  • If the public certificate is signed by a CA then the certificate should include the certificate chain of CA Root Certificate and CA Intermediate Certificate. Otherwise it might be required to concatenate the certificates into one file, for example:

    Code Block
    titleExample for export of public certificate
    # concatenate CA root certificate and CA intermediate certificate to a single CA Bundle certificate file (ca-bundle.crt)
    cat RootCACertificate.crt > certificates.crt
    cat CACertificate.crt >> certificates.crt
    cat ldap-certificate.crt >> certificates.crt
    # import LDAP server public certificate and certificate chain to a truststore (joc.jks) by specifying the certificate file (ldap-certificate.crt) and alias name (ldap)
    keytool -importcert -noprompt -file "certificates.crt" -alias "ldap" -keystore "JETTY_BASE/etc/joc.jks" -storepass secret_store -trustcacerts
