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Comment: Introduction added

Table of Contents


This article describes the configuration of the JOC Cockpit to use an LDAP Server for Authentication. This configuration is done in the JOC Cockpit's shiro.ini file whose overall configuration is described in the Authentication and Authorization - Configuration article. A general introduction to authentication and authorization in the JOC Cockpit is provided in the JOC Cockpit - Authentication and Authorization article.

A Simple LDAP Test

A public LDAP server which can be accessed using a relatively simple configuration is available from Forum Systems. In this article we will refer to the authentication of two users, gauss and newton that are each members of a different group as shown in the following table:

Account NamePasswordGroup

Public Server

LDAP Configuration items

Table of Contents

We refer in this document to a public LDAP server. To configure a realm for accessing the public LDAP server please add the following lines to the [main] section of the shiro.ini file.

Code Block
titlePublic LDAP Server
publicLdapRealm = com.sos.auth.shiro.SOSLdapAuthorizingRealm
publicLdapRealm.userDnTemplate = uid={0},dc=example,dc=com
publicLdapRealm.searchBase = dc=example,dc=com
publicLdapRealm.contextFactory.url = ldap://
publicLdapRealm.groupNameAttribute = ou
publicLdapRealm.userNameAttribute = uid
publicLdapRealm.userSearchFilter = (uniqueMember=uid=%s,dc=example,dc=com)
publicLdapRealm.groupRolesMap = \
  scientists : it_operator, \
  mathematicians: all


ldapsearch -h -p 389 -b "uid=gauss,dc=example,dc=com" -W -D "uid=gauss,dc=example,dc=com"


Follow these steps to set up the configuration

Please carry out the following steps:
  1. Set up the basic LDAP configuration
  2. Set up the authentication
  3. Set up the authorization


1. Basic LDAP Configuration

There are some configuration items that configure the ldap realm. These items can not be changed with the Account Management in JOC.



2. Authentication

With the authentication you will check for a valid username/password combination. To achieve this, you have to specify the userDnTemplate. The value for the userDnTemplate can be read from the properties page of an user.



3. Authorization

Authorization means the assignment of roles to users. A role have permissions that are listed in the shiro.ini configuration file. A user have all permissions coming from the assigned roles.



Code Block
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=Groups,dc=sos> with scope subtree
# filter: uniqueMember=uid=ur,ou=People,dc=sos
# requesting: ALL
# sos, Groups, sos
dn: cn=sos,ou=Groups,dc=sos
description: Employees of SOS GmbH
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupofuniquenames
cn: sos
uniqueMember: uid=ur,ou=People,dc=sos
uniqueMember: uid=fTester,ou=People,dc=sos

# apl, Groups, sos
dn: cn=apl,ou=Groups,dc=sos
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupofuniquenames
cn: apl
uniqueMember: uid=ur,ou=People,dc=sos
uniqueMember: uid=fTester,ou=People,dc=sos
# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success
# numResponses: 3
# numEntries: 2


Verification with LDAP Browser


This search should return the user with the given username. Please identify the attribute that should be used for the substitution in the group search base if it is not the username from the login.

Code Block
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=People,dc=sos> with scope subtree
# filter: uid=fTester
# requesting: ALL

# fTester, People, sos
dn: uid=fTester,ou=People,dc=sos
uid: fTester
givenName: Fritz
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetorgperson
sn: Tester
cn: Fritz Tester

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1


Verification with LDAP Browser
