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Setting up the configuration

Please make these steps
  • Setting Set up the basic LDAP configuration
  • Setting Set up the authenticationSetting
  • Set up the authorization
    • Defining the groupRolesMapping (optional)
    • Defining the roles per user in the [users] section (optional)
    • Defining the search for groups 

Basic LDAP Configuration

There are some configuration items that configure the ldap realm that should be used. These items can not be changed with the Account Management in JOC.


The key is the name of the realm. You can define any name. The name is taken as a reference to set the properties of the realm.

The value is the name of the class that implements the realm. The implementation from SOS extends org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.JndiLdapRealm

Please note that you can have more than one ldap configuration.


The host and the port of your LDAP server. You can check whether the server is reachable with telnet host port

Make sure that the firewall is open for the given port.


To enable starttls set the value to true (Default is false)

Please note the the server must be prepared to serve with Starttls. To check this, you can use a LDAP browser like "Softerra LDAP Browser". Configure your LDAP Server there and click the "Enable Starttls Button"

On Client Site you will need the certificate and you have to add the certificate to your truststore. The path of your truststore is definied in the JOC configuration file

truststore_path = path to your truststore.


  • C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_131/jre/lib/security/cacerts or
  • ../../etc/joc.jks
on|off true|falseTo enable the host name verification of the certificate. The default is off.
The implementation of the permission resolver. The SOS implementation sets an  org.apache.shiro.realm.text.IniRealm to resolve the permissions. That means that the permissions a role have are specified in the configuration file shiro.ini in the same way it is done when using the iniRealm.
Sets the role permission resolver for the ldap realm.

Sets the list of realm that should be used for authentication. This is a comma seperated list of realms.


  • $ldapRealm --> Only one realm specified
  • $ldapRealm, $iniRealm  --> You can login with a user from LDAP or with a user specified in the [users] section in the configuration file shiro.ini
  • $ldapRealm1,$ldapRealm2  --> You can login with a user coming from the LDAP server specified in the ldap1 realm or coming from the LDAP server coming from LDAP server specified in the ldap2 realm.



Code Block
ldapRealm = com.sos.auth.shiro.SOSLdapAuthorizingRealm
ldapRealm.contextFactory.url = ldap://myHost:389 
ldapRealm.useStartTls = true
ldapRealm.hostNameVerification = off 
rolePermissionResolver = com.sos.auth.shiro.SOSPermissionResolverAdapter
rolePermissionResolver.ini = $iniRealm
ldapRealm.rolePermissionResolver = $rolePermissionResolver
securityManager.realms = $ldapRealm




With the authentication you will check for a valid username/password combination. To achive this, you have to specify the userDnTemplate.


The username is part of the login patterns


When refering to usernames from the LDAP directory to keys in the [users] section to assign roles to the user, you have to change blanks to %20. The password must be empty. When you login with a domain the reference must contain the whole domain/username pattern e.g. user@domain

The JOC Account Manager will consider the handling of blanks. Please note that you have to specify the user with the domain in the JOC Account Manager.

Configuration in the configuration file shiro.ini
