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  • On the Agent server create the keystore using openssl and the keytool from your Java JRE or JDK. Alternatively import a private key and certificate that you received from your Certificate Authority:
    • For use with a third party utility create a keystore, e.g. https-keystore.p12, in PKCS12 format and import:
      • the Agent private key and certificate for Server Authentication
    • The examples below show a possible approach for certificate management. However, there are other ways to achieve similar results.
      • Example for importing a private key and CA-signed certificate to a PKCS12 keystore:

        Code Block
        titleExample how to import a private key and CA-signed certificate to a PKCS12 keystore
        # Assume the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Agent server to be ""
        # If the Agent's CA-signed certificate is provided from a pkcs12 keystore (certificate.p12), extract the certificate to a .crt file in PEM format (
        # openssl pkcs12 -in certificate.p12 -nokeys -out
        # Import the Agent's private key ( and certificate ( from PEM format to a new keystore (
        openssl pkcs12 -export -in -inkey --name -out "JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR/private/https-keystore.p12"
      • Example for creating a private key and self-signed certificate and import to a keystore

        • Refer to examples available from JS7 - How to create self-signed Certificates, chapter Creating a Server Certificate.

          Code Block
          titleExample how to create a private key and self-signed certificate
          # Creating the private key and self-signed certificate for the given validity period
          ./ --days=365
        • Refer to examples available from JS7 - How to add SSL TLS Certificates to Keystore and Truststore.

          Code Block
          titleExample how to add a private key and self-signed certificate to a PKCS12 keystore
          # Adding the private key and certificate to a keystore
          ./ \
              --keystore=JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR/private/https-keystore.p12 \

          When using additional arguments a truststore will be immediately created:

          Code Block
          titleExample how to add a private key and self-signed certificate to a PKCS12 keystore and the Root CA Certificate to a truststore
          # Adding the private key and certificate to a keystore and truststore
          ./ \
              --keystore=JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR/private/https-keystore.p12 \
              --truststore=JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR/private/https-truststore.p12 \ 
              --password=jobscheduler \
    • With the keystore being set up specify the relevant properties with the JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR/private/private.conf configuration file:
      • Example

        Code Block
        titleExample for private.conf file specifying the Agent keystore
        js7 {
            web {
                # keystore and truststore locations for https connections
                https {
                    keystore {
                        # Default: ${js7.config-directory}"/private/https-keystore.p12"

        • js7.web.https.keystore.file is used for the path to the keystore.
        • js7.web.https.keystore.key-password is used for access to the private key.
        • is used for access to the keystore. Passwords for key access and keystore access have to match if a PKCS12 keystore type is used.

  • On the Agent instance's server create the keystore using the keytool from your Java JRE or JDK or a third party utility.
    • For use with a third party utility create a truststore, e.g. https-truststore.p12, in PKCS12 format and import:
      • Root CA Certificate
    • The examples below show a possible approach for certificate management - however, there are other ways of achieving similar results.
      • Example for importing a Root CA Certificate to a PKCS12 keystoretruststore:

        Code Block
        titleExample how to import a Root CA Certificate to a PKCS12 keystoretruststore
        # Import Root CA Certificate in PEM format to a PKCS12 truststore (https-truststore.p12)
        keytool -importcert -alias "root-ca" -file "root-ca.crt" -keystore "JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR/private/https-truststore.p12" -storetype PKCS12


  • On the Controller server create the truststore using the keytool from your Java JRE or JDK or a third party utility.
    • For use with a third party utility create a truststore, e.g. https-truststore.p12, in PKCS12 format and import:
      • the Root CA Certificate
    • The examples below show a possible approach for certificate management. However, there are other ways to achieve similar results.
      • Example for importing a Root CA Certificate to a PKCS12 truststore:

        Code Block
        titleExample how to import a Root CA Certificate into a PKCS12 Truststore
        # import Root CA certificate in PEM format to a PKCS12 truststore (https-truststore.p12)
        keytool -importcert -alias "root-ca" -file "root-ca.crt" -keystore "JS7_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_DIR/private/https-truststore.p12" -storetype PKCS12
  • On the Controller server specify the location of the truststore with the JS7_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_DIR/private/private.conf configuration file:
    • Example

      Code Block
      titleExample for private.conf file specifying the Controller truststore
      js7 {
          web {
              # keystore and truststore locations for https connections
              https {
                          # Default: ${js7.config-directory}"/private/https-truststore.p12"

      • js7.web.https.truststores.file is used for the path to the truststore.
      • is used for access to the truststore.


  • On the Controller server create the client keystore using the keytool from your Java JRE or JDK or a third party utility.
    • For use with a third party utility create a client keystore, e.g. https-client-keystore.p12, in PKCS12 format and import:
      • the Controller private key and certificate for Client Authentication
    • For use with keytool create the client keystore in PKCS12 or JKS format according to the steps indicated in the JS7 - Controller HTTPS Connections: Step 1: Creating the Controller Keystore article.
      • Apply the steps described to the client keystore and use the private key/certificate pair for Client Authentication.
  • The location of the client keystore is added to the JS7_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_DIR/private/private.conf configuration file as shown:

    • Example for PKCS12 client keystore:

      Code Block
      titleExample how to specify the client keystore location with private.conf file
      js7 {
          web {
              # keystore and truststore location for https connections
              https {
                  client-keystore {
                      # Default: ${js7.config-directory}"/private/https-client-keystore.p12"

Show If

Risk Mitigation

The explanations above describe use of a Root CA certificate for verification of Client Authentication certificates when it comes to mutual authentication.

  • In fact, use of a Root CA certificate allows any clients that dispose of a Client Authentication certificate signed by the same Root CA certificate or Intermediate CA to be authenticated. This implication might allow an unwanted number of clients to access an Agent. By design the only clients to access an Agent should be Controller instances.
  • Coping strategies include:
    • using a separate certificate authority to sign Client Authentication certificates for access to Agents.
    • importing individual Client Authentication certificates to the Agent's truststore instead of using a Root CA certificate.
