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  • Create the Java Keystore using the Keytools from your Java JRE.
    • Generate the Java Keystore with the private key and certificate for Jetty and export the certificate to the Keystore that is later on used by the browsers. Please note that probably you have to create the directory JETTY_BASE/etc
      • Example

        Code Block
        titleSample for generate Keystore with private key and certificate
        keytool -genkey -alias "joc" -dname "CN=jocHost,O=myCompany" -validity 1461 -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -keypass secret_key -keystore "JETTY_BASE/etc/joc.jks" -storepass secret_store


        • Replace the JETTY_BASE placeholder as specified above.
        • The -dname option specifies the certificate issuer, therefore use your own set of CN, OU, DC that specify the issuer's distinguished name. The O setting is required for the issuer.
        • The -keypass option accepts the password that you will need later on to manage your private key. 
        • The -keystore option specifies the location of your Keystore file.
        • The -storepass option specifies the password for access to your Keystore file.
