

References Notes

Transfer options specify the optional behavior of file transfer, e.g. the transactional behavior.

Element Type Required Description
BufferSize int
  • Pattern: [\-+]?[0-9]+
  • Whitespace: collapse
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

The maximum size of a data block is defined with this option.

Transactional boolean
  • Whitespace: collapse
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This parameter specifies whether a transfer should be processed within a single transaction, i.e. either all objects are successfully transferred or none.

Should an error occur during a transfer operation then all transfers will be rolled back.

When specifying the value true then the following applies:

  • The AtomicSuffix parameter and AtomicPrefix parameter are used that cause target files to be created with a suffix such as "~" (default) and that causes the respective files to be renamed to their target file name after the transfer of all files has been successfully completed.
  • If at least one file out of a set of files cannot be transferred successfully then no files will be renamed, instead the temporarily created files are removed from the target system.
  • The parameter remove_files that causes files to be removed after successful transfer will be effective only after all files have been successfully transferred. Otherwise no files will be removed.
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

To control reconnect behavior, the YADE has two options:

  • RetryCountMax - number of reconnection attempts (for each single file transfer) if there is a connection failure
  • RetryInterval - the wait interval between attempts


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