

Rename - RenameType
References Notes

A Rename operation renames files during transfer from a source system to the target system.

Renamimg is performed either for files in the source system or in the target system depending on the occurence of the Rename parameter. The following applies to use with a Copy operation:

  • When used with the CopySourceFragmentRef and respective fragment reference element the files will be renamed on the source server.
  • When used with the CopyTargetFragmentRef and respective fragment reference element the files will be renamed on the target server. Source files remain unchanged.
The same behavior applies to renaming with Move operations accordingly.
Element Type Required Description
ReplaceWhat string
  • Min: 1
  • Whitespace: preserve
  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This parameter is used to rename files. It requires use of the parameter ReplaceWith. The rename operation is performed by specifying

  • what part of a filename should be replaced and
  • with which replacement a file should be renamed.

This parameter expects a regular expression for a filename pattern. If the expression matches the filename then the regular expression groups in the match are replaced.

Use with capturing groups

  • For replacement "capturing groups" are used. Only the content of the capturing groups is replaced.
  • Multiple replacements are separated by a semicolon ";".


  • ReplaceWhat: (1)abc(12)def(.*)
  • ReplaceWith: A;BB;CCC
These setting result in the following rename operation:
  • Name of original file: 1abc12def123.txt
  • Name of renamed file: AabcBBdefCCC

Use without capturing groups

If no "capturing groups" are specified then the entire match is replaced.


  • ReplareWhat: Hello
  • ReplaceWith: 1234
These setting result in the following rename operation:
  • Name of original file: Hello_World.txt
  • Name of renamed file: 1234_World.txt

For further information see java.util.regex.Pattern

ReplaceWith string
  • Whitespace: preserve
  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This parameter is used to rename files. It requires use of the parameter ReplaceWhat. The rename operation is performed by specifying

  • what part of a filename should be replaced and
  • with which replacement a file should be renamed.

If a match has been found as specified by the ReplaceWhat parameter then the following replacements can be applied:

  • String replacement: any string
  • Masked replacement: aa;[filename:];bb
A masked replacement supports masks for substitution in the filename with format strings that are enclosed with [ and ]. The following format strings are supported:
  • [date: date format ]
    date format must be a valid Java data format string, e.g. yyyyMMddHHmmss, yyyy-MM-dd.HHmmss etc.
  • [filename:]
    will be substituted by the original file name including the file extension
  • [filename:lowercase]
    will be substituted by the original file name including the file extension with all characters converted to lower case.
  • [filename:uppercase]
    will be substituted by the original file name including the file extension with all characters converted to upper case

Use with capturing groups

  • For replacement "capturing groups" are used. Only the content of the capturing groups is replaced.
  • Multiple replacements are separated by a semicolon ";".


  • ReplaceWhat: (1)abc(12)def(.*)
  • ReplaceWith: A;BB;CCC
These setting result in the following rename operation:
  • Name of original file: 1abc12def123.txt
  • Name of renamed file: AabcBBdefCCC

Use without capturing groups

If no "capturing groups" are specified then the entire match is replaced.


  • ReplareWhat: Hello
  • ReplaceWith: 1234
These setting result in the following rename operation:
  • Name of original file: Hello_World.txt
  • Name of renamed file: 1234_World.txt

For further information see java.util.regex.Pattern


  • No labels