

Assertions - AssertionType
References Notes

This element does not specify parameters for file transfers but assertions regarding the performance of file transfers. Assertions specify performance indicators that can be checked by a test suite.

Element Type Required Description
ReturnCode long
  • Pattern: [\-+]?[0-9]+
  • Whitespace: collapse
  • Occurrence: 0..1

This element does not specify a parameter for file transfer operations but an Assertion regarding the expected performance of file transfers. Assertions specify performance indicators that can be checked by a test suite.

The ReturnCode assertion specifies the exit code that is expected as the result of a file transfer. The ReturnCode is a numeric value between 0 and 255.

For YADE a ReturnCode value 0 signals a successful transfer, other values signal a failed transfer.

Timeout positiveInteger
  • Pattern: [\-+]?[0-9]+
  • Whitespace: collapse
  • Occurrence: 0..1

This element does not specify a parameter for file transfer operation but an Assertion regarding the expected performance of file transfers. Assertions specify performance indicators that can be checked by a test suite.

The Timeout assertion specifies the max. duration of a file transfer that is expected. The Timeout is specified in seconds.



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