Planning Cycle
The Planning Cycle is the begin-of-life cycle for every feature and is performed before the development of a feature starts. The Planning Cycle starts with a feature being OPEN and ends with the feature being ACCEPTED for a subsequent Development Cycle or being DEFERRED for future consideration in a later Development Cycle.

Detailed information about the Planning Cycle and the meaning of the feature status is available with the article Release Policy - Planning Cycle
Development Cycle
The Development Cycle is performed subsequently to the Planning Cycle and includes features that have been ACCEPTED or that have previously been DEFERRED. At the end of this cycle features are RELEASED. Later on the Deprecation Cycle will be started for released features.

Detailed information about the Development Cycle and the meaning of the feature status is available with the article Release Policy - Development Cycle
Deprecation Cycle
The Deprecation Cycle is the end-of-life cycle of a feature. It is performed some time after the feature was RELEASED. A feature proceeds through the following status before it is REMOVED from future releases:

Detailed information about the Deprecation Cycle and the meaning of the feature status is available with the article Release Policy - Deprecation Cycle