YADE profiles with settings for transfer history, log file and Background Service
YADE logs each and every file transfer in a local CSV history file and in a log4j format file. The transfer file history can be sent to the YADE Background Service.
The Background Service will insert the transfer history into a table of its database.
Example for transfer profile with global settings for transfer history, log file and Background Service
jade_settings.ini file with settings for history CSV, log file and Background Service:
[MailSettings] file_notification_to = admin@example.com file_notification_subject = YADE Client mail file_notification_body = This is a test. mail_smtp = mail.example.com [BackgroundService] BackgroundServiceHost = 8of9.sos BackgroundServicePort = 4210 SendTransferHistory = true TransferMethod = TCP [JADEHistory] log_filename = ${basedir}/jade_history.log HistoryFileName = ${basedir}/jade_history.csv [globals] include = MailSettings , JADEHistory, BackgroundService title = Global Profile basedir = C:\sos-berlin.com\jade
In this example all files with the file name extension .txt should be transferred from the server wilma via SFTP to the server 8of9 by FTP. the folders are not explicitly specified and therefore the home folders of the user is selected. YADE will write the transfer history into a CSV file and will send the log entry to the Background Service
Define profiles using the include directive
The include parameter will include the named profiles in the order they are defined. The globals profile is included automatically, no need to specific it in an include parameter.
The profiles have to be defined in the same settings file:
[ftp_server_2_server] include = globals source_user = kb source_password = ***** source_ssh_auth_method = password source_host = wilma.sos source_protocol = sftp source_port = 22 target_user = test target_password = ***** target_host = 8of9.sos target_protocol = ftp target_port = 21 operation = copy file_spec = ^.*\.txt$
See also
- For information about the YADE parameters see the YADE - Reference Documentation - Parameter Reference