Users may require to create workflows and jobs automatically from individual sources such as a database.
- The JS7 - REST Web Service API allows the same store and deploy workflow operations to be performed as can be carried out from the JOC Cockpit GUI.
- The JS7 - PowerShell Module provides simplified access to the REST Web Service API for scripting purposes.
- The PowerShell examples might prove to be instructive for logging REST API calls when executed and used with the
- The PowerShell examples might prove to be instructive for logging REST API calls when executed and used with the
Building Blocks
There are two building blocks to the solution:
- Create the JSON representation of a workflow that includes a number of jobs.
- We suggest first creating the sample workflow with the JOC Cockpit and then either using the Show JSON workflow action menu item to display the JSON format or using the download button.
- Find the JSON Schema for workflows in the JS7 - Inventory Storage Format article.
Add the REST Web Service API calls in your preferred language or use the PowerShell cmdlets:
REST API PowerShell cmdlet Explanation /authentication/login Connect-JS7 connect to JOC Cockpit
/inventory/store Set-JS7InventoryItem store the workflow to the inventory
/inventory/deployment/deploy Publish-JS7DeployableItem deploy the workflow
/authentication/logout Disconnect-JS7 disconnect from JOC Cockpit
The following example uses of four lines of code to connect to JS7 and to store and deploy a workflow. The remaining code is used to create the workflow.
- Download sample workflow created by the PowerShell Script (.json upload): sampleWorkflow.workflow.json
- Download PowerShell Script: create-workflow.ps1
Example of a PowerShell script to store and to deploy a workflow
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh # Parameterization $url = "http://localhost:4446" $controllerId = "controller" $workflowName = "sampleWorkflow" $workflowPath = "/Samples/$workflowName" # Connection Import-Module JS7 $credential = ( New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList 'root', ( 'root' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) ) Connect-JS7 -url $url -id $controllerId -credentials $credential | Out-Null # Create JSON document $workflow = New-Object PSObject Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'version' -value '1.1.0' -InputObject $workflow Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'timeZone' -value 'Europe/Berlin' -InputObject $workflow $wfInstructions = @() $instruction = New-Object PSObject Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'TYPE' -value 'Execute.Named' -InputObject $instruction Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'jobName' -value 'job1' -InputObject $instruction Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'label' -value 'job1' -InputObject $instruction $wfInstructions += $instruction $instruction = New-Object PSObject Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'TYPE' -value 'Execute.Named' -InputObject $instruction Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'jobName' -value 'job2' -InputObject $instruction Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'label' -value 'job2' -InputObject $instruction $wfInstructions += $instruction Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'instructions' -value $wfInstructions -InputObject $workflow $wfJobs = New-Object @{} # First Job $wfJob = New-Object PSObject Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'agentName' -value 'primaryAgent' -InputObject $wfJob $executable = New-Object PSObject Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'TYPE' -value 'ShellScriptExecutable' -InputObject $executable Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'script' -value 'echo "hello world"' -InputObject $executable Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'executable' -value $executable -InputObject $wfJob Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'parallelism' -value 1 -InputObject $wfJob Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'graceTimeout' -value 30 -InputObject $wfJob Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'failOnErrWritten' -value $False -InputObject $wfJob $wfJobs.Add( 'job1', $wfJob ) # Second Job $wfJob = New-Object PSObject Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'agentName' -value 'primaryAgent' -InputObject $wfJob $executable = New-Object PSObject Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'TYPE' -value 'ShellScriptExecutable' -InputObject $executable Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'script' -value 'echo "hello world"' -InputObject $executable Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'executable' -value $executable -InputObject $wfJob Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'parallelism' -value 1 -InputObject $wfJob Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'graceTimeout' -value 15 -InputObject $wfJob Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'failOnErrWritten' -value $False -InputObject $wfJob $wfJobs.Add( 'job2', $wfJob ) Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'jobs' -value $wfJobs -InputObject $workflow # Just to see the object from a file # $workflow | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath "$($workflowName).json" # Inventory Management Set-JS7InventoryItem -Path $workflowPath -Type WORKFLOW -Object $workflow Publish-JS7DeployableItem -Path $workflowPath -Type WORKFLOW -ControllerId $controllerId # Connection Disconnect-JS7
- Line 1: A shebang is used to invoke PowerShell on Unix platforms. For Windows platforms replace this line with:
|pwsh.exe -&goto:eof
- Optionally modify
or similar to locate the PowerShell interpreter.
- Line 5: The URL to JOC Cockpit is specified. This is the same URL as used from a user browser to access JOC Cockpit.
- Line 6: The Controller ID is specified during setup of a Controller. Find the Controller ID in the upper right-hand corner of any JOC Cockpit page.
- Line 7.8: The name of the workflow to be crated and its full path.
- Line 12-14: Load the PowerShell Module and connect.
- For details see JS7 - How to connect to JOC Cockpit using the PowerShell Module.
- Line 18-74: The code creates the PowerShell object of a workflow that is converted to JSON. There are many ways how to do this and different approaches - e.g. use of template files.
- Line 78: The workflow object is stored to JS7.
- Line 79: The workflow is deployed.
- Line: 83: The connection to JOC Cockpit is closed.
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