Development for the "Managed Jobs GUI" (JMJ) has been stopped. Here are some of the reasons for this decision: the technology mix of JMJ produces complex dependencies between web server, db systems, PHP versions and PHP packages and this leads to difficulties for many users during installation and often causes ongoing problems for users of this feature. In other words issues around JMJ are in front of all other issues in the support service of SOS GmbH. Added to this, for us this means doubled up capacities are required in maintaining JMJ and JOE (JobScheduler Object Editor) - capacities that are urgently needed for other issues. However: you can still continue to use JMJ, we also will support our commercial customers that wish to continue to use this feature. A separate installer for JMJ is available at It is our strategy to concentrate the software development on the JVM. This means that the focus continues to be Java and we also expect that the usage of e.g. Scala will increase. Choosing JVM for JobScheduler means, that all script languages will be available to create jobs. JOE (JobScheduler Object Editor) is used to manage objects of the JobScheduler (jobs, job chains, orders, schedules etc.). JOE is a SWT-/JFACE application and is installed at the client, but can also access JobScheduler objects remotely. JOE has features in the area of the template-based creation of objects that are not available in JMC. The installation of JOE is included in the JobScheduler set-up. JobScheduler also offers the concept of "remote configuration". This feature has the possibility to create and administrate objects centrally and it automates the distribution to instances of the JobSchedulers that are installed on other servers. Available for central monitoring is the JobScheduler Operations Centre (JOC). This is also embedded in JMJ, which means there is no difference here. JOC works with each browser and will be integrated into JOE.The reason for freezing development of the "Managed Jobs GUI":
Alternatives to "Managed Jobs GUI" (JMJ):
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