Included archives

Having extracted the JobScheduler installer you will receive the following files:

  • scheduler_linux.x.x.x.xxxx.tar.gz
  • scheduler_linux_update.x.x.x.xxxx.tar.gz
  • scheduler_linux_agent.x.x.x.xxxx.tar.gz
  • in addition, directory jobscheduler.x.x.x.xxxx will be created

This directory contains the script that executes the installer scheduler_linux32(_update|_agent).jar.

  • It is strongly recommended that you are not logged in as root.
  • The installer presents a GUI, therefore an X-Server is required.
    • If an X-Server is not installed or should you run into problems with X11 or Fonts then you can start the installer without GUI (see below).

Interactive Installer

At first the script tries to execute the installer with sudo.

Command line to start the installer with sudo
  sudo -E java -jar scheduler_linux32.jar

It is possible that an error occurs, e.g.

Example error message
  Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment (initialization failure)
  Caused by: java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.

whenever an error occurs, the script will ask if you want to use su instead, as you would have a different environment using su.

  Do you want to use 'su' instead of 'sudo'? (y or n)

Confirm this question with y to use su.

Command line to start the installer as root
  su root -c "java -jar scheduler_linux32.jar"

If you still receive an error, then you can call the script with the current user (without sudo or su).

Command line to start the installer as the current user
  ./ -u

In this case you should install all files to the current user home directory (the installer suggests /opt/... for some files).

Batch Installer

Finally you have the option to start the installer with an XML file as parameter for batch installation. In batch mode the installer would not open a GUI.

An XML template file (scheduler_(install|update|agent).xml) is provided with the jobscheduler.x.x.x.xxxx directory.

Adjust the content of this file according to the Installer Documentation and call

Command line to start the installer in batch mode
  ./ scheduler_install.xml


Command line to start the installer in batch mode as current user
  ./ -u scheduler_install.xml