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This document explains how to download the JobScheduler engine binaries from Maven Central, the structure of the binaries as well as how to setup a minimal JobScheduler with those binaries.


In order to be able to download the binaries and integrate them in your application, you need to have Maven installed.


  • You can find the Maven documentation here.
  • SOS uses Maven 3.2.1. You can download the latest Release from here.
  • Maven's /bin folder has to be added to the global variable "PATH" in order to take effect.
  • No further configuration is required for Maven in order to compile. If further configuration is wanted, for example to receive certain 3rd Party libraries from an official Maven2 repository, e.g., then you have to configure the settings.xml file.

The binaries file

  • jobscheduler.engine-1.9.6.jar

  • jobscheduler.engine-1.9.6.pom

The structure of the Binaries

The jobscheduler.engine-1.9.6.jar is a bundle jar with all binaries as well as the JobScheduler engine java library.

To integrate it in your own maven project or to download it via maven, add the following configuration to the pom.xml of your project.

Maven dependency snippet

The structure of the jobscheduler.engine-1.9.6.jar looks like this:

structure of jobscheduler.engine-1.9.6.jar
|	|-bin
|	|	|---.version-engine
|	|	|---scheduler
|	|-lib
|	|	|
|	|-bin
|	|	|---.version-engine
|	|	|---scheduler
|	|-lib
|	|	|
|	|-bin
|	|	|---.version-engine
|	|	|---jobscheduler-engine.dll
|	|	|---scheduler.exe
|	|-bin
|	|	|---.version-engine
|	|	|---scheduler.exe

Setting up a JobScheduler with the binaries

Required configuration files

  • sos.ini
  • factory.ini
  • scheduler.xml


Step 1

To get a minimal JobScheduler up and running, create a folder, e.g. "myJobScheduler" and copy the binaries according to your operating system as well as the java library to this folder.

Step 2

Add the 3rd Party libraries which are configured in the jobscheduler.engine-1.9.6.pom to a folder as well as the database driver you use. You can copy the 3rd party libraries to a different folder as well, as long as you make sure to configure the path in the factory.ini. 

dependency snippet from the jobscheduler.engine-1.9.6-pom

Step 3

Create a sos.ini file and copy your licence key to the file. The file should look like this:

key1                    = PUT_YOUR_KEY_HERE

Create a factory.ini file with the following configuration:

;                         enable job history, if set to True the scheduler keeps a job history in database tables
history                 = yes

;                         store job protocol for task history (yes|no|gzip, default: no)
history_with_log        = gzip

;                         store job protocol for order history (yes|no|gzip, default: no)
order_history_with_log  = gzip

;                         store protocol for scheduler history (yes|no|gzip, default: no)
history_archive         = gzip

;                         database configuration examples for job history
;						  active configuration
db                      = jdbc -class=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/scheduler -user=DB_USER -password=DB_USER_PASSWD
db_class                = SOSMySQLConnection

;                         sample configuration for MySQL
;db                     = jdbc -class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/scheduler -user=DB_USER -password=DB_USER_PASSWD
;db_class               = SOSMySQLConnection
;                         sample configuration for MySQL via mariaDB
;db                     = jdbc -class=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/scheduler -user=DB_USER -password=DB_USER_PASSWD
;db_class               = SOSMySQLConnection
;                         sample configuration for Oracle
;db                     = jdbc -class=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/scheduler -user=DB_USER -password=DB_USER_PASSWD
;db_class               = SOSOracleConnection
;                         sample configuration for Microsoft SQL Server
;db                     = jdbc jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false;selectMethod=cursor;databaseName=scheduler -user=DB_USER -password=DB_USER_PASSWD
;db_class               = SOSMSSQLConnection
;                         sample configuration for Microsoft SQL Server via jTDS
;db                     = jdbc -class=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false;selectMethod=cursor;databaseName=scheduler -user=DB_USER -password=DB_USER_PASSWD
;db_class               = SOSMSSQLConnection
;                         sample configuration for Postgres SQL
;db                     = jdbc -class=org.postgresql.Driver jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/scheduler -user=DB_USER -password=DB_USER_PASSWD
;db_class               = SOSPgSQLConnection
;                         sample configuration for Firebird
;db                     = jdbc -class=org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost:3050/scheduler -user=DB_USER -password=DB_USER_PASSWD
;db_class               = SOSFbSQLConnection
;                         sample configuration for DB2
;db                     = jdbc jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/scheduler:driverType=2;retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage=true; -user=DB_USER -password=DB_USER_PASSWD
;db_class               = SOSDB2Connection
;                         sample configuration for Sybase
;db                     = jdbc -class=com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:5000/scheduler -user=DB_USER -password=DB_USER_PASSWD
;db_class               = SOSSybaseConnection
;                         sample configuration for Sybase via jTDS
;db                     = jdbc -class=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver jdbc:jtds:sybase://localhost:5000/scheduler -user=DB_USER -password=DB_USER_PASSWD
;db_class               = SOSSybaseConnection

;                         log level (info|debug1|...|debug9, default: info)
log_level               = info
;                         log directory
log_dir                 = logs
;                         log filename and log categories (see
log                     = PATH/TO/YOUR/logs/scheduler.log

class_path              = PATH/TO/YOUR/3rdPartyLibraries/*.jar;
;                         put your Java VM parameters here
options                 = -Dlog4j.configuration="file:///PATH/TO/YOUR/"
;                         enable detailed Java debug messages
debug                   = no

Create a scheduler.xml and configure the port your scheduler should run with:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
		<config port="4444">
						<param name="scheduler.order.keep_order_content_on_reschedule" value="false"/>
				<security ignore_unknown_hosts="yes">
						<allowed_host host="localhost" level="all"/>
						<plugin java_class="com.sos.scheduler.engine.plugins.webservice.WebServicePlugin"/>
						<plugin java_class="com.sos.scheduler.engine.plugins.nodeorder.NodeOrderPlugin"/>

At last, create a start script like this:

set exepath=%~dp0
scheduler.exe -sos.ini="%exepath%sos.ini" -config="%exepath%scheduler.xml" -ini="%exepath%factory.ini"

Additional configuration
log4j.rootCategory=info, stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n
# see, scheduler
log4j.appender.scheduler.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n

Now your folder should contain at least these files (windows-x64-example, other platforms differ):

  • factory.ini
  • jobscheduler-engine.dll
  • scheduler.exe
  • scheduler.xml
  • sos.ini
  • start.cmd

Testing the scheduler

  1. Create a folder named "live" in your working directory (your folder). Create a simple hello-world-job in the live-folder.

    hello world job example
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <job >
        <script  language="shell">
            <![CDATA[echo Hello World!]]>
        <run_time  once="yes"/>
  2. Open a console in your working directory and start the scheduler with the start.cmd start script.
    If you have configured logging ( and path to the properties file in factory.ini) you should see a job and a task log for the hello-world-job, which should look like this:

    task log
    2015-10-07 14:58:45.515+0200 [info]   SCHEDULER-918  state=starting (at=never)
    2015-10-07 14:58:45.516+0200 [info]   SCHEDULER-987  Starting process: "C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\\sos5051B.cmd"
    2015-10-07 14:58:45.526+0200 [info]    
    2015-10-07 14:58:45.526+0200 [info]   PATH_TO_YOUR_FOLDER>echo Hello World!  
    2015-10-07 14:58:45.526+0200 [info]   Hello World!
    2015-10-07 14:58:45.527+0200 [info]   SCHEDULER-915  Process event
    2015-10-07 14:58:45.556+0200 [info]   SCHEDULER-918  state=closed
    2015-10-07 14:58:45.556+0200 [info]   SCHEDULER-962  Protocol ends in logs/task.HalloWorldExample.log
    job log
    2015-10-07 14:58:45.507+0200 [info]   SCHEDULER-893  Job is 'active' now
    2015-10-07 14:58:45.512+0200 [info]   SCHEDULER-930  Task 6114864 started - cause: period_once
    2015-10-07 14:59:45.716+0200 [info]   SCHEDULER-931  state=stopped
    2015-10-07 14:59:45.717+0200 [info]   SCHEDULER-962  Protocol ends in logs/job.HalloWorldExample.log


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