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Training Options
- Sales Partners offer the same SOS offers commercial Training Options to their its customers as SOS.
- Training is considered an essential prerequisite for smooth operation of complex software.
- Sales Partners ask their customers to book trainings as applicable for the customer's operational needs.
- It is not a good idea to skip training services and to postpone requests for service (advice, questions) by customers to a later support period.Sales Partners answer to requests for service of their customers. The SOS support team cannot accept requests for service from a Sales Partner's customers as there is no contractual relation between SOS and a Sales Partner's customers.
- SOS offers standard trainings and individually tailored training sessions.
- Contact SOS if you would like to receive a quotation for training:
- Document: sos_product_training_services-customers.pdf
- Purpose: provides an overview of the available Training Options for customers.
Application: document is handed over to prospective customers.
PDF name sos_product_training_services-customers.pdf
- Document: 2014-jobscheduler-product_training_services-information-en.pdf
- Purpose: provides detailed information on the available Training Options for customers.
Application: document is handed over to prospective customers.
PDF name 2014-jobscheduler-product_training_services-information-en.pdf
- Partners offer Training Options as stated in the above-mentioned documents to their customers.
- Partners are free to offer additional training options on their behalf.