Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The script is executable from the command line
    • for Windows by use of the pwsh.exe PowerShell interpreter like this:
      • pwsh.exe -f ./Start-JobSchedulerOrder.ps1 -JobChain /bjb/shell_chain -Order sample_order
    • for Linux and MacOS by directly calling the script and by implictly using the shebang (#!/usr/bin/pwsh) to reference the interpreter like this:
      • ./Start-JobSchedulerOrder.ps1 -JobChain /bjb/shell_chain -Order sample_order
  • Use of JobScheduler PowerShelll CLI
    • Code

      Code Block
          [string] $JobChain,
          [string] $Order,
          [String] $Parameters = '',
          [string] $At = 'now',
          [string] $State,
          [string] $EndState,
          [string] $Id = $global:JobSchedulerId,
          [Uri] $Url = $global:JobSchedulerUrl,
          [PSCredential] $Credentials = $global:JobSchedulerCredentials,
          [string] $Separator = ';'
      if ( !$Id )
          throw "missing value for parameter -Id"
      if ( !$Url )
          throw "missing value for parameter -Url"
      if ( !$Credentials -and !$Url.UserInfo )
          throw "missing value for parameter -Credentials"
      Import-Module JobScheduler
      if ( $Url.UserInfo )
          $ws = Use-JobSchedulerWebService -Url $Url -Id $Id
      } else {
          $ws = Use-JobSchedulerWebService -Url $Url -Id $Id -Credentials $Credentials
          $order = Start-JobSchedulerOrder -JobChain $JobChain -Order $Order -At $At -State $State -EndState $EndState -Parameters ( ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData $Parameters.Replace($Separator, "`n") )
      } catch {
          throw $_.Exception
      } finally {
          $ws = Use-JobSchedulerWebService -Url $Url -Id $Id -Disconnect
    • Explanations
      • Basically the script is about the following operations:
        • Import the JobScheduler Module
        • Connect to the JOC Cockpit REST Web Service
        • Add an order to the JobScheduler Master
        • Disconnect from the JOC Cockpit REST Web Service
      • Follow above instructions about getting help to see detailed information about parameters
