
  • Perpetual license keys are used to identify customers of a Commercial License for support by SOS.
  • Trial license keys are issued by SOS and enable unrestricted use of the software for a limited duration.
  • Open Source License keys ship with the software and allow use within the scope of the license.

Application of License Keys

Adding License Keys

  • The license key is required for the operation of JobScheduler and is added during the JobScheduler setup procedure.
    • Please enter the key when requested during the setup dialog.
    • Add the key to your response file when using batch installation.
  • If you need to change the license key after you have set up JobScheduler then please copy the new key and insert it into your ./config/sos.ini configuration file as follows:


    This sample does not show a valid license key, please check your installation package that ships with a valid open source license key.
  • You have to restart JobScheduler after the license key has been changed.
  • The key will then be checked and validated while JobScheduler is restarting.

Use of multiple License Keys

  • Depending on the product and component in use you might receive multiple license keys from SOS at different points in time.
  • In such a case please add newly received license keys to the list of existing keys like this:


    Each license key is added to a separate line with the key1, key2, key3, ... configuration items. 

Use of limited License Keys

  • Users who want to switch back from e.g. a trial license key or a subscription license key that is valid for a limited period to use of the Open Source license can proceed as follows:
    • Add both keys to the ./config/sos.ini configuration file like this:

    • The capabilities of both keys (key1 being a sample for a trial license key and key2 a sample for the Open Source license key) are merged. In case that key1 becomes invalid then key2 will allow to fall back to Open Source restricted mode for the use of Agents.
    • Should exclusively key1 be available and become invalid then the JobScheduler Master will not start due to an invalid license key.

Handling of License Keys for JobScheduler Agents

  • JobScheduler Agents come with zero configuration, therefore no license keys are stored with the installation of an Agent.
  • License keys for Agents are stored with the JobScheduler Master. The available license keys are handed over by the Master to the Agent before job execution. The Agent then checks if the license key is valid and applicable for the respective job.
  • An Agent might refuse job execution if it is not forwarded an applicable license key.

License Usage

License Counting

  • License keys do not implement technical license counting. SOS estimates it a risk that due to missing internet connections or use in restricted environments the license counting could fail and prevent the software from running.
  • You can technically use the same license key for any number of JobScheduler instances. However, this might not comply with the commercial license terms that are agreed on for the license model that is applicable to your environment. 

License Measurement

  • SOS reserves the right to perform license measurement activities, e.g. job reporting. 
  • The license measurement procedure verifies the number of software instances and licenses in use.
  • Based on individual agreements for the license model that applies to your environment the license measurement procedure can be performed on a regular basis.


For any questions concerning the handling of licenses please refer to