Setback intervals based on exit codes

If you want to set different setback intervals depending on the exit code then you can use the internal API by defining a post-processing routine after the task.

In this example, we define a job in a job chain.

  • When the job ends with exit code 1 then try again in 60 seconds
  • When the job ends with exit code 444 then try again in 2 hours
  • When the job ends with other non-zero exit codes then try again in 300 seconds

Perform the following tasks with JOE:

  1. Define a post-processing function spooler_task_after()
  2. Code the switch with your requirements.
  3. Add the job to a job chain. Do this even you only have one job in the chain.

XML Configuration of the Job

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<job order="yes"
    <script language="shell">
exit 1
    <monitor name="handleSetback"
        <script language="java:javascript">
function spooler_task_after() {
  var exit = spooler_task.exit_code;
  var job = spooler_task.job;

  // After one setback, handle this as an error.
  job.max_order_setbacks = 1;

  switch (exit ) {
  case 0:  // proceed
    return true;
  case 1:  // restart after 60 seconds
    job.set_delay_order_after_setback( 1, "60" );
  case 4444: // restart after 2 hours
    job.set_delay_order_after_setback( 1, "02:00:00" );
  default: // restart after 300 seconds
    job.set_delay_order_after_setback( 1, "300" );

XML configuration of the Job Chain

    <job_chain_node state="100"
    <job_chain_node state="success"/>
    <job_chain_node state="error"/>

See also