
  • Use Case
    • Create Job Stream #1 

      • 1. Batch Job #1 runs without pre-condition.
      • 2. Batch Job #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 will run if the respective predecessor Batch Job completed successfully.

    • Create Job Stream #2:

      • 3. Batch Job #7 runs without pre-condition.

    • Combine the 2 Job Streams into a new Job Stream #3:

      • 4. Batch Job #8 and Batch Job #9 (in Job Stream #3) will be automatically started and running at the same time IF AND ONLY IF Job Stream #1 and Job Stream #2 ran successfully.

    • Create Job Stream # 4:

      • 5. Batch Job #10 (in Job Stream #4) runs only after the successful completion of Job #8 and #9 in Job Stream #3.

  • Feature Availability
    • JITL-228 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • Download: 
  • Extract the archive to a folder in your JobScheduler installation named ./config/live/issues.
  • The archive will extract the files to a sub-folder workflow_condition_job_chains. 
  • Note that you can store the sample files in any folder you like.




  • Hints
    • The solution makes use of Scripting with Pre-/Post-Processing Monitors.
    • The term completed successfully as subsequently used includes that
      • if not specified otherwise the last run of a job chain assigned an order an end state that is not used as an error state in the job chain..
      • the last run of a job chain was successful (not any previous runs within the same period).
    • The conditions assigned to job chains are handled in a way that the successor job chain is executed if the conditoins can be met.
    • Except for job8 and job9 all jobs implement a simple "echo hello world" command.
  • The solution contains four job streams with dependencies:
    • job_stream1 and job_stream2 represent two job chains that have to be executed successfully to make job_stream3 proceed.
    • job_stream3 splits the processing into parallel jobs (job8, job9).
    • job_stream4 is the final job chain that checks if job_stream3 did complete successfully.
  • The solution implements the following job dependencies:
    • job_stream1
      • job1
        • runs without dependencies.
      • job2, job3, job4, job5, job6
        • run if their predecessor job completed successfully
      • job6
        • makes use of the Named Post-Processing Monitor start_job_stream (by a <monitor.use> element):
          • the Post-Processing Monitor will not start job chains if the job completes with a return code > 0 signalling an error or if one of the checks fails.
          • this Monitor checks if a number of jobs completed successfully (job_stream2): 
            • the job chain names are specified by use of the check_job_chains job parameter that is assigned a semicolon separated list of job chain names. 
            • job chain names can be specified with an absolute path (starting from the live folder) or with a path relative to the directory of this job.
          • if the checks are successful then this Monitor will start a number of job chains (job_stream3):
            • the job chain names are specified by use of the start_job_chains job parameter that is assigned a semicolon separated list of job chain names.
            • job chain names can be specified with an absolute path (starting from the live folder) or with a path relative to the directory of this job.
    • job_stream2
      • job7
        • makes use of the Named Post-Processing Monitor start_job_stream (by a <monitor.use> element) in the same way as job6.
        • the same job parameterization applies as for job6 with the exeception that the check is performed for job_stream1.
    • job_stream3
      • splitter
        • makes use of the Named Post-Processing Monitor start_job_stream (by a <monitor.use> element) in the same way as job6.
        • the same job parameterization applies as for job6 with the exeception that the check is performed for job_stream1 and job_stream2.
        • splits processing of the current order into parallel execution of jobs job8 and job9.
      • job8, job9
        • run without dependencies.
        • run in parallel.
      • sync
        • waits for job8 and job9 to complete successfully.
      • dispatcher
        • makes use of the Named Post-Processing Monitor start_job_stream (by a <monitor.use> element) in the same way as job6.
        • the same job parameterization applies as for job6 with the exception that no check is performed but 
    • job_stream4
      • job10
        • makes use of the Named Pre-Processing Monitor check_job_chain_history by a <monotor.use> element) in
          • this Monitor checks if a number of job chains completed successfully (job_stream3): 
            • the job chain names are specified by use of the check_job_chains job parameter that is assigned a semicolon separated list of job chain names. 
            • job chain names can be specified with an absolute path (starting from the live folder) or with a path relative to the directory of this job.
        • will be skipped and fail if the check fails. 


  • Positive Check
    • Start the order start_job_stream1 using JOC's Start Order now context menu. Alernatively add a new order.
      • The order should pass through the job chain without errors.
    • Start the order start_job_stream2 using JOC's Start Order now context menu. Alternatively add a new order.
      • The order should also pass through the job chain without errors.
      • As the job chains job_stream1 and job_stream2 completed successfully the job chain job_stream3 will be kicked off by job7 of job_stream2.
      • Job chain job_stream3 runs job8 and job9 in parallel.
      • job9 in job_stream3 will take longer than job8 to complete and will start job chain job_stream4.
      • Job chain job_stream4 with job10 will complete successfully.
  • Negative Check
    • Modify the job job1 in job chain job_stream1 to include an error, e.g. by adding the command exit 1 as the final line in the job script.
    • Start the order start_job_stream1 using JOC's Start Order now context menu. Alernatively add a new order.
      • The order should complete with an error having passed job1, no further jobs are executed.
    • Start the order start_job_stream2 using JOC's Start Order now context menu. Alernatively add a new order.
      • job7 will be executed succesfully, however, job_stream3 will not be started due to the fact that job_stream1 completed with error.


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