Documentation - available Formats

Documentation is available in the following formats:

  • XML, uses XSLT for display with IE starting with 5.5 and Mozilla Firefox
  • PDF, preferably used for printer friendly layout

Getting Started - Architecture

We recommend you start by reading the following introduction:

in which the architecture of the JobScheduler, its mode of operation and the user interface are explained.


Getting Started - Tutorials

We have started a series of tutorials to help provide an introduction to running JobScheduler jobs and orders.

Installation and Configuration

JOE (JobScheduler Object Editor) for Job Documentation

We provide the following tutorial for developers who write documentation for their jobs:


JID (JobScheduler Information Dashboard) Documentation (deprecated)

Provides an overview of jobs planned and those that have successfully been completed.

Implementation of Jobs Using the JobScheduler API

These documents are intended for job developers, you do not need to read this document in order to be able to configure automated job starts for executable programs and scripts.

Advanced Topics

More complex job scheduling scenarios are explained in the following documents:

Further Resources