
I’ve successfully installed JobScheduler onto my PC but I’m having trouble opening JOC.
I think when I installed it, I entered an incorrect JobScheduler host and port number. How can I verify host and port of JobScheduler?


You can check the JobScheduler host and port in the scheduler.xml file.

Configuration File

You will find this file in the following directory:

 [SCHEDULER_DATA directory]\config\scheduler.xml

The default location for your SCHEDULER_DATA directory for Windows is:


The default location for your SCHEDULER_DATA directory for Unix is:


See the section describing the differten set-ups in the JobScheduler Installation Manual for the default settings.

Configuration Elements

The port is listed in the config tag:

 <config mail_xslt_stylesheet="config/scheduler_mail.xsl" port="4444">

Please note:

  • Checks are made during the installation process to ensure that the host and port you specify can be used, so this is actually an unlikely source of error.
  • Ensure that the firewall allows the communication with the JobScheduler port in both directions.


The host will be specified in the security section that could look like this:

 <security ignore_unknown_hosts="yes">
     <allowed_host host="localhost" level="all"/>
     <allowed_host host="My-PC" level="all"/>
     <allowed_host host="" level="all"/>

Please note:

  • If you want to allow access to all computers in the network then specify <allowed_host host="" level="all"/>
  • Hostnames are resolved on start-up of JobScheduler, not later on at run-time. Should your DNS server assign new ip addresses to hostnames referenced with the <security> element then this will become effective after restart of JobScheduler.