
Clustering applies to both JobScheduler Master instances and Agent instances.

The following wording is applied:

  • Fail-over indicates an abnormal termination of the current Master/Agent instance and causes the next available Master/Agent instance to take the active role in a cluster.
  • Switch-over indicates normal termination of the current Master/Agent instance and causes the next available Master/Agent instance to take the active role in a cluster.

Master Cluster

The following JobScheduler Master cluster types can be configured, depending on the desired behavior:

  • The Master Passive Cluster provides fail-over functionality from one active Master instance to one out of a number of standby Master instances.
  • The Master Active Cluster makes use of the JobScheduler's Distributed Orders feature to provide load sharing with a number of active Master instances.

The architecture of the Master cluster types is described in the following diagrams:

Note that both types of cluster can be used to provide:

Agent Cluster

The following Agent cluster types are available:

  • The Agent Passive Cluster implements fixed-priority scheduling: the first Agent is used for any job executions, if the first Agent becomes unavailable then the next Agent is used.
  • The Agent Active Cluster implements round-robin scheduling: for each next task the next Agent is used. If an Agent becomes unavailable then it will not be used.

The architecture of the Agent cluster types is explained with the following diagram:

Agent Clusters are a functional layer on top of installed Agents. The same Agent can be a member in any number of Agent Clusters.

For job execution Agent Clusters provide more flexibility than Master Clusters.

Which Cluster Option to choose?

In almost any situation the Master Passive Cluster is the preferable option.

In combination with an Agent Passive Cluster or Active Cluster this offers high availability and scalability at a highly flexible level.

Master Cluster

The following comparison applies to execution of jobs and job chains directly with a Master:

Passive ClusterActive Cluster
Job ChainsNo changes to job chains.Job chains are configured for use with distributed orders.

Requires specification which job chains should be executed on specific servers, for example for log rotation, daily plan calculation etc.
JobsJobs in a job chain can create temporary files that are picked up by successor jobs.Each next job is executed on the next Master. Jobs in a job chain cannot rely on the fact that they will be executed on the same Master as their predecessor jobs, for example in case that temporary files are used to pass data between jobs.
DatabaseOne transaction per job to store job logs and a single transaction for the order log.One transaction per job to store the job logs and as many transactions as there are jobs for the order log which will cause higher database load.

Database load is increased as there is more overhead for co-ordination of Master instances for execution of next jobs.
PerformanceVertical scaling: Performance is limited by CPU and memory of a single machine.Horizontal scaling: Performance is improved if a number of Master instances is used in parallel for task execution. As a performance penalty some overhead for co-ordination of Master instances is required.


When used with an Agent Cluster then jobs are executed with Agents instead of the Master. This drastically reduces the load on the Master, more precisely there is no noticeable difference in performance between Master Passive Cluster and Master Active Cluster if jobs are executed with Agents. 

  • The Master Passive Cluster is the preferable choice for most scenarios except for situations when a high load of jobs  (>500 parallel tasks) is expected.
  • The Master Active Cluster is the preferable choice in a situation only when a larger number of jobs have to be executed with Masters (without using Agents).

Agent Cluster

The following comparison applies to execution of jobs with Agent Clusters:

Passive ClusterActive Cluster
JobsJobs can create temporary files that are picked up by successor jobs.Each next job is executed on the next Agent. Jobs cannot rely on the fact that they will be executed on the same Agent as their predecessor jobs, for example in case that temporary files are used to pass data between jobs.
PerformanceVertical scaling: Performance is limited by CPU and memory of a single machine.Horizontal scaling: Performance is improved if a number of Agent instances is used in parallel for task execution.


  • Agents do not know of job chains, they execute jobs only. Job chains and other dependency mechanisms are handled by the Master.
  • Agents do not use a database connection.

Cluster Operation

Master Cluster

A fail-over occurs in the following situations when a Master instance is abnormally terminated:

  • The machine operating the Master crashes.
  • The Master process is killed. Consider that there is no guarantee that processes for running tasks will be killed.
  • The Master is aborted
    • This operation will kill any running tasks and will abnormally terminate the Master.
    • This operation is available from the JOC Cockpit Dashboard and from the command line.

No fail-over occurs in the following situations:

  • The machine operating the Master is normally shutdown.
    • For Linux operating systems using systemd or init.d the shutdown sequence of services is applied that will normally terminate the Master.
    • For Windows operating systems the Master Windows Service will receive a stop signal and will normally terminate.
  • The Master is normally terminated.
    • Termination of the Master is delayed until all running tasks are completed.
    • This operation is available from the JOC Cockpit Dashboard and from the command line.

GUI Operation

Active Master Operations

The Dashboard offers the following operations for the active Master instance:


  • Normal termination without fail-over
    • Terminate: Termination of the Master is delayed until all running tasks are completed.
    • Terminate with Timeout: Termination of the Master is delayed until all running tasks are completed or until the timeout is reached and running tasks are killed.
    • Terminate and Restart: Same as Terminate but causes the Master to restart.
    • Terminate and Restart with Timeout: Same as Terminate with Timeout but causes the Master to restart.
  • Abnormal termination with fail-over
    • Abort: Kills all running tasks and aborts the Master.
    • Abort and Restart: Same as Abort but restarts the Master.

Master Cluster Operations

The Dashboard offers the following cluster operations:


  • Normal termination without fail-over
    • Restart: Causes all Master instances to be restarted. The active Master retains its role.
    • Terminate: Causes all Master instances to be normally terminated. As a result the cluster is down.
  • Normal termination with switch-over
    • Terminate and Fail-over: The active Master is normally terminated and the standby Master takes the active role.
    • Fail-back to Primary Master: If the Backup Master has become active after fail-over then this operation switches roles by normally terminating the Backup Master and causing the Primary Master to take the active role. This operation is delayed until all running tasks are completed.
    • Fail-back to Primary Master with Timeout: Same as Fail-back to Primary Master but kills all running tasks that exceed the given timeout.

Command Line Operation

Termination without fail-over / switch-over

The following command line operations normally terminate a Master instance without causing fail-over or switch-over to the next Master instance:

Linux Master normal termination without fail-over
# Terminate all Master instances in a cluster, optionally specifying a timeout in seconds for running tasks
./bin/ stop 120
Windows Master normal termination without fail-over
@rem Terminate all Master instances in a cluster, optionally specifying a timeout in seconds for running tasks
.\bin\jobscheduler.cmd stop 120
Windows Master Service normal termination without fail-over
@rem Stop Windows Service from the Service Panel or from the command line indicating the Master's Windows Service Name
sc.exe stop sos_scheduler_localhost_4444
Linux Master Cluster normal termination without fail-over
# Terminate all Master instances in a cluster, optionally specifying a timeout in seconds for running tasks
.\bin\jobscheduler.cmd terminate-cluster 120
Windows Master Cluster normal termination without fail-over
@rem Terminate all Master instances in a cluster, optionally specifying a timeout in seconds for running tasks
./bin/ terminate-cluster 120


  • A timeout can optionally be specified.
    • In Unix environments all running tasks are sent a SIGTERM signal. If the timeout is exceeded then all running tasks are sent a SIGKILL signal. This includes child processes of running tasks.
    • In Windows environments the Master waits for running tasks to complete. If the timeout is exceeded then all running tasks are killed. This includes child processes of running tasks.
  • Without specifying a timeout the Master will terminate only after all running tasks are completed. The Master does not accept new tasks during this period.

Termination with fail-over

The following command line operations abnormally terminate a Master instance and fail-over to the next Master instance:

Linux Master aborted with fail-over
./bin/ abort
Windows Master aborted with fail-over
./bin/jobscheduler.cmd abort
Linux Master killed with fail-over
./bin/ kill
Windows Master killed with fail-over
./bin/jobscheduler.cmd kill


  • Abort operation.
    • The Master will reliably kill all running tasks and related child processes.
  • Kill operation
    • It is guaranteed that running tasks are killed, it is not guaranteed that child processes of running tasks are killed.

Termination with switch-over

The following command line operations normally terminate a Master instance and switch-over to the next Master instance:

Linux Master normal termination with switch-over
# Terminate Master instance and optionally specify a timeout in seconds for tasks to complete before being killed
./bin/ terminate-fail-safe 120
Windows Master normal termination with switch-over
@rem Terminate Master instance and optionally specify a timeout in seconds for tasks to complete before being killed
.\bin\jobscheduler.cmd terminate-fail-safe 120


  • A timeout can optionally be specified.
    • In Unix environments all running tasks of the Master are sent a SIGTERM signal. If the timeout is exceeded then all running tasks are sent a SIGKILL signal. This includes child processes of running tasks.
    • In Windows environments the Master waits for running tasks to complete. If the timeout is exceeded then all running tasks are killed. This includes child processes of running tasks.
  • Without specifying a timeout the Master will terminate only after all running tasks are completed. The Master does not accept new tasks during this period.

Agent Cluster

Agent Clusters do not make use of the distinction between fail-over and switch-over. In fact the Master chooses the next available Agent if an Agent becomes unavailable.

A fail-over/switch-over occurs in the following situations:

  • Abnormal Termination
    • The machine operating the Agent crashes.
    • The Agent process is killed.
    • The Agent is aborted
      • This operation will kill any running jobs and will abnormally terminate the Master.
      • This operation is available from the command line.
  • Normal Termination
    • The machine operating the Agent is normally shutdown.
      • For Linux operating systems using systemd or init.d the shutdown sequence of services is applied that will normally terminate the Agent.
      • For Windows operating systems the Agent Windows Service will receive a stop signal and will normally terminate.
    • The Agent is normally terminated.
      • Termination of the Agent is delayed until all running tasks are completed.
      • This operation is available from the command line.

GUI Operation

No GUI operations are available as due to the architecture JOC Cockpit does not have direct access to Agents. Instead, Agents are controlled by the Master only.

Command Line Operation

Normal Termination

The following command line operations normally terminate an Agent instance. The operation is delayed until all running tasks are completed.

Unix Agent normal termination
# The Agent Start Script is used with its default value for the Agent port (4445) and optionally specifying a timeout for running tasks
./bin/ stop 120

# The Agent Instance Script is used specifying a distinct port and optionally specifying a timeout for running tasks
./bin/jobscheduler_agent_<port>.sh stop 120
Windows Agent normal termination
@rem The Agent Start Script is used with its default value for the Agent port (4445) and optionally specifying a timeout for running tasks
.\bin\jobscheduler_agent.cmd stop 120

@rem The Agent Instance Script is used specifying a distinct port and optionally specifying a timeout for running tasks
.\bin\jobscheduler_agent_<port>.cmd stop 120


  • A timeout can optionally be specified.
    • In Unix environments all running tasks are sent a SIGTERM signal. If the timeout is exceeded then all running tasks are sent a SIGKILL signal. This includes child processes of running tasks.
    • In Windows environments the Agent waits for running tasks to complete. If the timeout is exceeded then all running tasks are killed. This includes child processes of running tasks.
  • Without specifying a timeout the Agent will terminate only after all running tasks are completed. The Agent does not accept new tasks during this period.

Abnormal Termination

The following command line operations abnormally terminate an Agent.

Unix Agent abnormal termination
# The Agent Start Script is used with its default value for the Agent port (4445)
./bin/ abort

# The Agent Instance Script is used specifying a distinct port
./bin/jobscheduler_agent_<port>.sh abort
Windows Agent abnormal termination
@rem The Agent Start Script is used with its default value for the Agent port (4445)
.\bin\jobscheduler_agent.cmd abort

@rem The Agent Instance Script is used specifying a distinct port
.\bin\jobscheduler_agent_<port>.cmd abort
Unix Agent abnormal termination
# The Agent Start Script is used with its default value for the Agent port (4445)
./bin/ kill

# The Agent Instance Script is used specifying a distinct port
./bin/jobscheduler_agent_<port>.sh kill
Windows Agent abnormal termination
@rem The Agent Start Script is used with its default value for the Agent port (4445)
.\bin\jobscheduler_agent.cmd kill

@rem The Agent Instance Script is used specifying a distinct port
.\bin\jobscheduler_agent_<port>.cmd kill


  • Abort operation.
    • The Agent will reliably kill all running tasks and related child processes.
  • Kill operation
    • It is guaranteed that running tasks are killed, it is not guaranteed that child processes of running tasks are killed.

Cluster Configuration

Master Cluster

  • Two or more Master instances can be operated as a cluster.
  • All Master instances in a cluster have to:
    • be identified by the same JobScheduler ID and 
    • use the same database.
  • Furthermore, each Master in a cluster has to be started with one of the following cluster options:
    • -exclusive
    • -exclusive -backup
    • -distributed-orders
  • See for more information about Master startup options.
  • The following types of Master clusters can be configured, depending on the cluster startup options used.

Master Passive Cluster

  • We assume a Primary Master with the start option -exclusive.
  • Backup Masters will use the start options:
    • -exclusive 
    • -backup 
    • -backup-precedence=n
      • where n is a number.
      • The option -backup-precedence is optional and the number n defines the order in which the Backup Masters become active.
  • The Primary Master exclusively will be active once all the Master instances have been started.
  • All Masters in the cluster use the same configuration (jobs, job chains, orders, etc.).
  • A Backup Master will not become active if the Primary Master terminates in a normal way.
  • If the Primary Master is aborted or its process is killed (e.g. the server crashes) then the (next) Backup Master will become active and will be aware of job states and order states. That is, the 'new' Master will be aware of whether 
    • jobs or job chains are stopped or active, 
    • job chain nodes are stopped, skipped or active,
    • orders are suspended or active and 
    • what their current state is.
  • The Backup Master waits ca. 130 seconds to be certain that the Primary Master is down before it becomes active.
    • All starts of jobs and orders that would take place within this time will be lost, the jobs and orders will run at the next scheduled time.
  • If a Backup Master is active and the Primary Master is restarted then the Backup Master has to be terminated in order to re-activate the Primary Master.

See also

Change Management References

T Key Linked Issues Fix Version/s Status P Summary Updated

Master Active Cluster

  • All Masters in this cluster use the start option -distributed-orders.
  • All Masters in this cluster will be active once they all have been started.
  • Each Master in this cluster will handle its own jobs independently, with the exception of orders for job chains that are configured as distributed.
  • Distributed Orders are handled in way that each cluster member can process any step of an order within a job chain. Cluster members use a load sharing logic to determine which Master instance should process the next job for an order in a job chain based on the number of tasks currently running with each Master.

See also

Change Management References

T Key Linked Issues Fix Version/s Status P Summary Updated

How to set cluster start options

  • You can set cluster options during installation of the Master.
  • Edit the ./bin/jobscheduler_environment_variables file.(sh|cmd) as described below to change the cluster options after installation has been completed and the cluster has been made operational:


  • stop the Master

  • edit ./bin/

  • start the Master


  • stop the Master Windows Service
  • remove the Master Windows Service

     .\bin\jobscheduler.cmd remove
  • modify .\bin\jobscheduler_environment_variables.cmd

  • install the Master Windows Service

     .\bin\jobscheduler.cmd install

Agent Cluster

See JobScheduler Universal Agent - Installation & Operation