Every JobScheduler in a cluster has almost the same setup configuration. In particular, they have to have the same JobScheduler Id and the same database connection(s).

After the installation of the first JobScheduler in a cluster, a $SCHEDULER_HOME/scheduler_install.xml file will be created. This file can then be used as an easy way to install the other  JobSchedulers in the cluster via Batch-Installation. You then only have to edit the clusterOptions in the scheduler_install.xml file when building a Backup Cluster.

The value of databaseCreate should be set to off, as the database has already been created when the first JobScheduler was set up.

Example: Starting the installer on Unix® with a parameter file
<!-- for Backup Cluster --> 
<entry key="clusterOptions" value="-exclusive -backup"/> 
<entry key="databaseCreate" value="off"/> 

Follow the links for more information about the configuration of Backup Clusters and Load Balancing

If you want to change the cluster option for an already installed JobScheduler then you can either use the setup once more to update the installation or you can change it manually.

See also the Cluster Operation article for more information.