
Release 2.5.0 ships with Jetty 11 and requires a Java 11 JRE/JDK, see JOC-1367 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Changes in Jetty 11 affect the location of settings:

  • Up to Release 2.4.1 Jetty 9 is used that expects settings from a single configuration file
    • JETTY_BASE/start.ini
  • Starting from Release 2.5.0 Jetty 11 is used that expects settings from a number of configuration files in the directory:
    • JETTY_BASE/start.d/*.ini

The settings are the same, however, their location in individual *.ini files in the start.d sub-directory is different:

*.ini FileModulesSettings
ext.ini--module ext
http.ini--module httpjetty.http.*
https.ini--module https


The JOC Cockpit installer will migrate existing settings from the start.ini file to individual files in the start.d directory.

Users who make use of JS7 - JOC Cockpit HTTPS Connections should check that relevant settings are now in place in the following configuration files:

  • JETTY_BASE/start.d/ssl.ini: this file includes settings for JOC Cockpit's HTTPS port (, jetty.ssl.port) and settings for access to the Java keystore and truststore.
  • JETTY_BASE/start.d/https.ini: settings in this file enable the HTTPS module.
  • JETTY_BASE/start.d/http.ini: this file includes settings for JOC Cockpit's HTTP port (, jetty.http.port). Settings in this file enable/disable the HTTP module.

Users who make use of container images and therefore do not run the JOC Cockpit installer should double-check that the start.d folder and related files are created by the entrypoint script during container start-up.

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