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Sensitive information that is required in job scripts can be stored in a Credential Store and retrieved at run-time.

This feature is similar to the method used by the YADE file transfer job (and command line utility) to store information such as credentials in the YADE Credential Store.



  • Starting Point
    • Users frequently operate jobs that require credentials, e.g. to access a database, a file transfer SFTP server etc.
    • Such jobs are implemented as simple shell jobs or by use of the API Interface.
  • Security Considerations
    • Sensitive information from job parameters and order parameters should not be disclosed, e.g. written to log files, therefore the solution does not store sensitive information in parameters. 
    • Instead a run-time interface is offered that allows to retrieve sensitive information from a credential store. 
  • Credential Store
    • A credential store allows the secure storage and retrieval of credentials for authentication, as well as connection and other parameters, for a detailed features and supported products see YADE Credential Store.
  • Solution Outline
    • Access to the credential store is provided by a Java class that can be loaded from shell jobs and from API jobs implemented e.g. for JavaScript, PowerShell etc.
    • The Java class is parameterized with the path that identifies the requested entries from the credential store.
    • This solution can be operated with JobScheduler Master and with Agents.


  • The SOSKeePassDatabase Java class can be invoked
    • in a Shell Job by calling the java command line utility with the class name:
      • If the class is executed successfully:
        • return code = 0, output is sent to stdout
      • If execution of the class ends in error:
        • return code = 99, exception output is sent to stderr
    • in a JavaScript Job
      • by directly instantiating the Java class from JavaScript.
      • if execution of the class ends in error then an exception is raised.
    • in Powershell Jobs (for use with Agents only) by calling the java command line utility with the class name:
      • A return code is provided similar to Shell jobs.
  • The class can be invoked 
    • from the command line like this:

      • java com.sos.keepass.SOSKeePassDatabase "cs://server/SFTP/homer.sos@user?file=credential_store.kdbx"
      • When invoking the class then the path to the entry in the credential store is specified. 

    • by use of a script provided with JobScheduler e.g. for Unix environments:
      • $SCHEDULER_HOME/bin/ "cs://server/SFTP/homer.sos@user?file=credential_store.kdbx"
      • The script hides the call to the java command line utility.


The following query parameters can be set:

  • file - required
  • password - optional
    • the password for the credential store database file.
  • key_file - optional
    • If this parameter is set:
      • this path can be specified either relatively or absolutely. See the file example.
    • If this parameter is not set:
      • a <file_without_extension>.key file such as: mystore.kdbx -> mystore.key) will be sought in the directory of the file .
        • a .key file will be used if it is found
        • an exception will be thrown if a .key file is not found - even if the password query is not set.
  • ignore_expired - optional, default: 0
    • ignore_expired=0 - an exception is thrown when the entry expires
    • ignore_expired=1 - expiring of an entry is ignored
  • attachment - optional, default: 0
    • attachment=0 - a String field is read
    • attachment=1 - a file attachment field is read and returned as new String (bytes).


Shell Job Example for Master/Agent (Windows)

Shell Job Example (Windows)
<job  order="no" stop_on_error="no" stderr_log_level="error">
    <script  language="shell">
@echo off
call "%SCHEDULER_HOME%/bin/jobscheduler_credential_value.cmd" "cs://server/SFTP/homer.sos@user?file=%SCHEDULER_DATA%/config/credential_store.kdbx"
    <run_time />


  • The <job> element makes use of the stderr_log_level attribute to cause the job to fail in case of errors being reported to stderr, e.g. from the Java class SOSKeePassDatabase.
  • The script jobscheduler_credential_value.cmd is available from the Master's or Agent's ./bin directory. The environment variable %SCHEDULER_HOME% is automatically provided.
  • The credential store file is located in the ./config directory of a Master or Agent. The environment variable %SCHEDULER_DATA% is automatically provided. However, the credential store file can be located anywhere in the file system.
  • The credential value to be retrieved is returned by the built-in environment variable %SCHEDULER_CREDENTIAL_VALUE% by the script jobscheduler_credential_value.cmd.

Shell Job Example for Master/Agent (Unix)

Shell Job Example (Unix)
<job  order="no" stop_on_error="no" stderr_log_level="error">
    <script  language="shell">
SCHEDULER_CREDENTIAL_VALUE=`"$SCHEDULER_HOME/bin/" "cs://server/SFTP/homer.sos@user?file=$SCHEDULER_DATA/config/credential_store.kdbx"`
if [ $RETURNCODE -ne 0 ]

    <run_time />


  • The <job> element makes use of the stderr_log_level attribute to cause the job to fail in case of errors being reported to stderr, e.g. from the Java class SOSKeePassDatabase.
  • The script is available from the Master's or Agent's ./bin directory. The environment variable $SCHEDULER_HOME is automatically provided.
  • The credential store file is located in the ./config directory of a Master or Agent. The environment variable $SCHEDULER_DATA is automatically provided. However, the credential store file can be located anywhere in the file system.
  • The credential value to be retrieved is returned to stdout by the script The above example makes use of the environment variable $SCHEDULER_CREDENTIAL_VALUE that holds output to stdout of the script, i.e. receives the credential value.

JavaScript Job Example for Master/Agent (all platforms)

JavaScript Job Example
<job  order="no" stop_on_error="no">
  <script  language="java:javascript"><![CDATA[
		function getCredentialStoreProperty( uri ) {
			try {
				return uri );
			catch (e) {
				throw new Error( "can't get property: " + e.message );
		function exportCredentialStoreAttachment2File( uri, targetFile ) {
			var fos			= null;
			try {
				var data	= uri );
				fos 		= new targetFile );
				fos.write( data );
			} catch (e) {
				throw new Error( "[" + targetFile + "] can't write attachment to file: " + e.message );
			finally {
				if ( fos !== null ) {
		function spooler_process() {
            // find credential store from a Master's ./config directory
			var file 		= "config/credential_store.kdbx"; "--- get string property ---" );
			var property 	= "server/SFTP/homer.sos@user";
			var uri 		= "cs://" + property + "?file=" + file;
			var val 		= getCredentialStoreProperty( uri ); "[" + property + "]=" + val ); "--- get binary property as string ---" );
			property 		= "server/SFTP/homer.sos@homer.privat.dsa";
			uri 			= "cs://" + property + "?file=" + file + "&attachment=1";
			val				= getCredentialStoreProperty( uri ); "[" + property + "]=" + val ); "--- get binary property as byte array and write to file ---" );
			property 		= "server/SFTP/homer.sos@homer.privat.dsa";
			uri 			= "cs://" + property + "?file=" + file;
			var targetFile 	= "D:/my_homer.privat.dsa";
			exportCredentialStoreAttachment2File( uri, targetFile ); "[" + property + "] written to " + targetFile );
		    return false;
    <run_time />


  • Two methods can be used:

    • com.sos.keepass.SOSKeePassDatabase.getProperty( uri )
      • is used to read a value from a credential store entry, e.g. an account, password etc.
      • returns a string that holds the requested value
    • com.sos.keepass.SOSKeePassDatabase.getBinaryProperty( uri )
      • is used to read a file attachment from a credential store entry, e.g. if the entry is attached a private key file.
      • returns a byte array from a credential store entry that specifies an attachment

PowerShell Job Example (Agent for Windows)

The recommended way is to call the same script scheduler_credential_value.cmd as explained above for shell jobs:

PowerShell Job Example (call to script)
 <job  order="no" stop_on_error="no" process_class="/Agent">
    <script  language="powershell"><![CDATA[
		$file 		= "$env:SCHEDULER_DATA/config/credential_store.kdbx";
		$ "--- get string property ---" );
		$val 		= java com.sos.keepass.SOSKeePassDatabase $uri
		$ "[" + $property + "]=" + $val);
		$ "--- get binary property as string ---" );
		$val 		= java com.sos.keepass.SOSKeePassDatabase $uri
		$ "[" + $property + "]=" + $val);
    <run_time />


Alternatively the Java class SOSKeePassDatabase can be invoked directly, however, the user has to provide the path to java.exe:

PowerShell Job Example (call to Java)
 <job  order="no" stop_on_error="no" process_class="/Agent">
    <script  language="powershell"><![CDATA[
		$file 		= "$env:SCHEDULER_DATA/config/credential_store.kdbx";
		$ "--- get string property ---" );
		$val 		= java.exe com.sos.keepass.SOSKeePassDatabase $uri
		$ "[" + $property + "]=" + $val);
		$ "--- get binary property as string ---" );
		$val 		= java.exe com.sos.keepass.SOSKeePassDatabase $uri
		$ "[" + $property + "]=" + $val);
    <run_time />


Finally an individual process can be started to invoke the Java class:

Powershell Job Example
 <job  order="no" stop_on_error="no" process_class="/Agent">
    <script  language="powershell"><![CDATA[
		function Get-CredentialStoreProperty( [string] $uri ) {
			$command = "java"
			if ( ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty( ${env:JAVA_HOME} ) ) {
				$command = "${env:JAVA_HOME}\bin\$command"
			$arguments				= @("com.sos.keepass.SOSKeePassDatabase", $uri)
			$startInfo 				= New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
			$startInfo.FileName 			= $command
			$startInfo.RedirectStandardError 	= $true
			$startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput 	= $true
			$startInfo.UseShellExecute 		= $false
			$startInfo.WindowStyle 			= 'Hidden'
			$startInfo.CreateNoWindow 		= $true
			$startInfo.Arguments 			= $arguments
			try {
				$process 				= New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
				$process.StartInfo 		= $startInfo
				$process.Start() | Out-Null
				$stdout 				= $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
				$stderr 				= $process.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
			catch {
				throw "Failed $($startInfo.FileName): $error"
			if ( $process.exitCode -ne 0 ) {
				throw "Failed with exit code $($process.exitCode): $stderr"
		$file 		= "$env:SCHEDULER_DATA/config/credential_store.kdbx";
		$ "--- get string property ---" );
		$property	= "server/SFTP/homer.sos@user";
		$uri 		= "cs://" + $property + "?file=" + $file";
		$val 		= Get-CredentialStoreProperty( $uri );
		$ "[" + $property + "]=" + $val);
		$ "--- get binary property as string with formatted output ---" );
		$property 	= "server/SFTP/homer.sos@homer.privat.dsa";
		$uri 		= "cs://" + $property + "?file=" + $file + "&attachment=1";
		$val 		= Get-CredentialStoreProperty( $uri );
		$ "[" + $property + "]=" + $val);		
    <run_time />
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