Use the SCHEDULER_HTTP_PORT and SCHEDULER_HTTPS_PORT environment variables

  • It is also possible to set the HTTP and HTTPS ports with command line options but we recommend using environment variables.
  • To do this create a script for each Agent instance (the instance script) in which environment variables are set before the start script is called.

Indicating which network interfaces should listen to when using HTTP

  • The value of the environment variable SCHEDULER_HTTP_PORT of the instance script can have the form SCHEDULER_HTTP_PORT=[ip address or hostname:]port
  • If only a port is specified then the JobScheduler Agent listens to all available network interfaces.
    • This is the same as specifying SCHEDULER_HTTP_PORT=
  • The network interfaces the JobScheduler Agent should listen to can be specified by additionally specifying a hostname or ip address.

Indicating which network interfaces should listen to when using HTTPS

  • The value of the environment variable SCHEDULER_HTTPS_PORT of the instance script can have the form SCHEDULER_HTTPS_PORT=[ip address or hostname:]port
  • If only a port is specified then the JobScheduler Agent listens to all available network interfaces.
    • This is the same as specifying SCHEDULER_HTTPS_PORT=
  • The network interfaces the JobScheduler Agent should listen to can be specified by additionally specifying a hostname or ip address.


  • A HTTP port setting is required for the JobScheduler Agent start script.
  • It is not possible to only use HTTPS but you can bind "localhost" to the HTTP port.

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