
The SSH (Secure Shell) JITL job (JobSchedulerSSHJob) allows a JobScheduler to execute programs on another computer without a JobScheduler Agent being installed on that machine.

The JobSchedulerSSHJob allows execution on Windows and Unix systems.

  • The elegance of SSH is its simplicity. It allows public/private key authentication and is well suited to execute programs for specific accounts.
  • One of the restrictions of standard SSH connections is that there is limited control of child processes on the remote host. 
    • If a number of child processes are spawned by a program during an SSH session and that session gets killed then these child processes would normally continue running.
    • The JobScheduler provides a method for monitoring SSH connections that allows both remote sessions and local JobScheduler tasks to be terminated.

Feature Summary

SSH Remote Host Connections

  • Connects to a remote host without the need to install a local SSH client

  • Processes on the remote host:
    • commands
    • scripts
    • transfer of local scripts to the remote host and start execution of these scripts on the remote host
  • Publishes environment variables
  • Publishes return values for parameters to be used in follow-on jobs in the job chain.
  • Provides support for operating system specific commands

SSH Session Management

  • Provides control over remote sessions
  • Rules the termination of remote child processes and parent processes with term or kill
