

References Notes

This parameter makes use of a checksum file that is available with the source of a file transfer. The name of the checksum file is assumed to be the same as the source file with an additional extension .md5. During file transfer the contents of the checksum file is compared with the checksum that is calculated from the transfer of the file.

When used with a jump host then integrity checking applies to source and jump host, not to the target of the transfer.

With this element being used a checksum file is expected on the source system and the integrity hash for the target file is calculated and compared with the respective integrity hash of the source file. If the hashes are not equal then the file transfer will be rolled back. If the checksum file on the source system is missing then this will be reported as an information but will not affect the transfer of files.

Element Type Required Description
HashAlgorithm string
  • Whitespace: preserve
  • Enumeration:
    • md5
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This parameter specifies the algorithm that is used to create the checksum. At the time of writing md5 only is supported. If the parameters CheckIntegrityHash or CreateIntegrityHashFile are used then the integrity hash is calculated and compared according to this parameter.



The purpose of the integrity hash is to ensure that the content of files has been fully retained during transfer - for example, to ensure compliance.

Calculating an integrity hash requires only read permissions on the source system - the 'source' hash is calculated from memory.

After the file being transferred has been written to the target system, it is then read and a 'target' hash is calculated.

The two hash values are then compared.

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