
YADE knows next to other the operations

  • send
  • receive
  • copy

The operations send and receive are not really needed and can be replaced by copy.

See also YADE-280 - Getting issue details... STATUS

What do operations send, receive and copy?

  • send transfers files from the local disk
  • receive transfers files to the local disk
  • copy is more flexible. With copy you can transfer e.g. from server to server.
    send and receive are special cases of copy where either the source or the target is local.

Why operations send and receive exist?

  • Before YADE there was already another product for transfer files which was called SOSFTP. SOSFTP introduced the operations send and receive.
  • Both operations were implemented in YADE for an easy migration of the SOSFTP profiles.

Difference between copy and send / receive

  • The parameterization of a profile is different. See the examples below.
    • The profile with operation copy must have source and target parameters to know the direction of the file transfer.
    • The profile with operations send and receive know the direction of the file transfer. There have slightly different parameter names than copy.

Example how to migrate a send profile to a copy profile

Profile with copy
operation         = copy
target_host       = my_target_host
target_port       = 21
target_protocol   = ftp
target_user       = ftp_user
target_password   = ftp_password
target_dir        = /path/to/target
source_protocol   = local
source_dir        = /path/to/source 


Profile with send
operation   = send
host        = my_target_host
port        = 21
protocol    = ftp
user        = ftp_user
password    = ftp_password
remote_dir  = /path/to/target
local_dir   = /path/to/source

Example how to migrate a receive profile to a copy profile

Profile with copy
operation         = copy
source_host       = my_source_host
source_port       = 21
source_protocol   = ftp
source_user       = ftp_user
source_password   = ftp_password
source_dir        = /path/to/source
target_protocol   = local
target_dir        = /path/to/target 
Profile with receive
operation   = receive
host        = my_source_host
port        = 21
protocol    = ftp
user        = ftp_user
password    = ftp_password
remote_dir  = /path/to/source
local_dir   = /path/to/target
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