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Code Block
titleResetNotifications OP5 add_order
<add_order  job_chain   ="sos/notification/ResetNotifications"
            id          ="OP5 MyServiceNameop5 JobScheduler Monitoring Error acknowledgement"
            title       ="OP5 MyServiceNameop5 JobScheduler Monitoring Error acknowledgement">
        <param name="service_name"  value="MyServiceNameJobScheduler Monitoring Error" />
        <param name="system_id"     value="OP5op5"/>
        <param name="operation"     value="acknowledge" />
Example ResetNotifications OP5 add_order perl



Key to the above code:

ElementAttributeValue Description
add_order   XML Command to add the new order to the specified job chain on the JobScheduler.
 job_chainsos/notification/ResetNotifications Job chain path must correspond with the path of the ResetNotifications job chain installed on the JobScheduler.
 id  Order identifier.
 title  Order title.
param   3 following parameters must be set:
JobScheduler Monitoring Error
Relevant service name to set all already occured service errors in JobScheduler Interface Monitor as acknowledged.

System identification.

Corresponds with SystemMonitorNotification/@system_id setting in the  SystemMonitorNotification_<MonitorSystem>.xml configuration file.

Example ResetNotifications OP5 add_order perl

This example shows the integration of a Perl script into OP5 monitor system that automatically sends the above XML command to the JobScheduler sos/notification/ResetNotifications job chain.

The "Acknowledgment" on the op5 Monitor side works as follows:

  1. Contact "acknowledgment" + Event Handler:
    • it first of all requires a contact, that receives the Notifications in the same way as the other contacts. However, an event notification for this contact is not received via Mail but an Event Handler, i.e.  an XML command will be executed instead of a mail being received. (Please see the next point, "Notification Command".)
  2. The "svc_notify_ack_handle" Notification Command:
    • this command will always be executed for the services that are specified for the contact. This command is executed when the service status changes (for example, by a change from OK to Critical or Acknowledgment of an Error).
    • The command executes a script.
  3. The Script (see the example below): this script is executed by the command and first of all checks whether the command is a response to an Acknowledgment:
    • If the command is not a response to an Acknowledgment: then nothing happens
    • If the command is a response to an Acknowledgment      : then the script causes the JobScheduler to be contacted and sent am XML query, that instructs the JobScheduler to start a specific job chain (the sos/notification/ResetNotifications chain)

Code Block
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Net::HTTP;
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_H $opt_f $opt_s $opt_p $opt_t $opt_h);
use vars qw(%ERRORS &support);
my $host;
my $type;
my $service;
my $port;
my $timeout = 30;
our %ERROR;
            'OK'       => 0,
            'CRITICAL' => 2,
            'ERROR'    => 2,
            'UNKNOWN'  => 9,
            'WARNING'  => 1,

sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();

   ("h"   => \$opt_h, "help"        => \$opt_h,
    "H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s"  => \$opt_H,
    "f=s" => \$opt_f,
    "s=s" => \$opt_s, "service=s"   => \$opt_s,
    "t=i" => \$opt_t, "timeout=i"   => \$opt_t,
    "p=i" => \$opt_p, "port=i"      => \$opt_p);

if ($opt_h) {print_help(); exit 0;}

if ($opt_H ) {
    if ( $opt_H =~ /([-.A-Za-z0-9]+)/ ) {
      $host = $opt_H;
    ($host) || print("Invalid host: $opt_H\n");
else {
    print("Host name/address not specified\n");

if ($opt_p ) {
    if ($opt_p =~ /([0-9]+)/) {
        $port = $1 if ($opt_p =~ /([0-9]+)/);
    ($port < 0 || $port > 65535) && print("Invalid Port: $opt_p\n");
else {
    print("Port not specified\n");

if ($opt_t) { $timeout = $opt_t; }

if( !$host || !$port ) {
    exit 1;

$opt_s=~ s/ /%20/g;
print("service name:$opt_s\n");

# $job_scheduler_request output example.
# MyServiceName "JobScheduler Monitoring Error" is the example of the service name $opt_s.
#<add_order  job_chain   ="sos/notification/ResetNotifications"
#            id          ="OP5 MyServiceNameop5 JobScheduler Monitoring Error acknowledgement"
#            title       ="OP5 MyServiceNameop5 JobScheduler Monitoring Error acknowledgement">
#    <params>
#        <param name="service_name"  value="MyServiceNameJobScheduler Monitoring Error" />
#        <param name="system_id"     value="OP5op5"/>
#        <param name="operation"     value="acknowledge" />
#     </params>
my $job_scheduler_request = "%3Cadd_order%20job_chain=%22sos/notification/ResetNotifications%22%20id=%22OP5%20%22op5%20".$opt

    my $jobscheduler_answer_xml = get_answer($job_scheduler_request);
    my $jobscheduler_state_element = get_state_elem($jobscheduler_answer_xml);
    my $jobscheduler_state = get_attribute_value("state",$jobscheduler_state_element);
    _report('OK', "OK: Service Name is " . $opt_s . " and notification type is ". $opt_f ." and JS request is ".
 $job_scheduler_request. "\n");
else{print("Sorry, but this is not an acknowledgement\n");}

sub get_attribute_value {
    my ($attr_name, $elem_xml) = @_;
    $elem_xml =~ s/.*$attr_name\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\".*/$1/s;
    return $elem_xml;

sub get_state_elem {
    my $xml = shift;
    $xml =~ s/.*<spooler.*?>\s*<answer.*?>\s*(<state.*?>).*/$1/s;
    return $xml;

sub get_answer {
  my $request = shift;
  my $socket = Net::HTTP->new(Host => $host, PeerPort => $port, Timeout => $timeout);
  my $xmlAnswer = "";
    if ($socket) {
        $socket->write_request(GET => $request);
        my($code, $mess, %h) = $socket->read_response_headers;
        if ($code == 200) {
            while (1) {
            my $buf;
            my $n = $socket->read_entity_body($buf, 1024);
            last unless $n;
            $xmlAnswer .= $buf;
        else {
            _report('ERROR',"Connection to JobScheduler " . $host . ":" . $port . " failed: (" . $code . ") " .
$mess . "\n");
  else {
     _report('CRITICAL',"Connection to JobScheduler " . $host . ":" . $port . " failed: " . $@ . "\n");
  return $xmlAnswer;

  sub print_help () {
   print $0. "\n";
   print "Copyright (c) 2012 SOS GmbH, info\

This script tries to connect to given Job Scheduler

   print "
-H, --hostname=HOST
   Name or IP address of host to check
-p, --port=INTEGER
   Port at host to check
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
   Timeout for HTTP connetion
-h, --help
   This help

sub print_usage () {
   print  "Usage: $0 -H <host> -p <port> [-t <timeout>]\n";

sub _report {
    print $_[1];
  if (defined($ERRORS{$_[0]})) { exit $ERRORS{$_[0]}; }
  else { exit 0; }


JobScheduler - Job Chains customization
