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Job Chain and Order MonitoringJob Chains in JobScheduler can be monitored with the new solution. Actually, the elements that are monitored are the Orders that trigger these Job Chains.
History NotificationsNot only critical alerts are monitored, but also the positive ones. The history of a specific service is also monitored, to see exactly if a specific workflow was executed or not and what result it ended up with.
Performance measurement (Timer) There are also Timers timers that measure the performance of a Job Chain. In case it takes too long for a Job Chain to end, a critical warning alert will be sent to a System Monitor.
AcknowledgmentOnce a service in the System Monitor is critical, there is the possibility to acknowledge this service. That action will add an Order to the JobScheduler, so that JobScheduler does not send more notifications to the System Monitor for this service.


Monitoring sample - op5 Monitor

Here is an example of JobScheduler monitoring in op5 Monitor. There are 3 checks (in op5 Monitor they are called services) defined for the JobScheduler monitoring. Different Job Chains in JobSCheduler can send notifications to the same check, so that it is not necessary to create one check for each Job Chain, because that could produce a chaotic monitoring. Instead, we group results in three categories

  • JobScheduler Monitoring Errors: Job Chains that end up with an error are sent to this service. The last error notification is shown in the column "STATUS INFORMATION".
  • JobScheduler Monitoring Success: Job Chains that end up with success, that means, also positive notifications are sent to the monitoring system. Concretely, the history of a specific Job Chain is also monitored, to see whether a specific workflow was executed or not. The last success notification is shown in the column "STATUS INFORMATION".
  • JobScheduler Monitoring Performance: There are also timers that measure the performance of a Job Chain. In case it takes too long for a Job Chain to end, a warning alert will be sent to a System Monitor. The information about the expired timer is shown in the column "STATUS INFORMATION".

op5 Monitor - Services for JobScheduler monitoring


See JobScheduler Monitoring Interface - Prerequisites and Installation
