Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Client [label="   Client   \nUser Browser / REST Client",fillcolor="lightskyblue"]
Controller [label="   Controller   ",fillcolor="lightskyblue"]
JOC [label="   JOC Cockpit   ",fillcolor="lightskyblue"]
Client_Truststore [label="Client Truststore\ntruststore location is product dependent\n\nCA Certificates",fillcolor="orange"]
Controller_Truststore [label="Controller Truststore\n./config/private/https-truststore.p12\n\nCA certificates",fillcolor="orange"]
Controller_Keystore [label="Controller Keystore\n./config/private/https-keystore.p12\n\nCA Certificates\nController Private Key / Certificate",fillcolor="orange"]
JOC_Truststore [label="JOC Cockpit Truststore\n./jetty_base/resources/joc/https-truststore.p12\n\nCA certificates",fillcolor="orange"]
JOC_Keystore [label="JOC Cockpit Keystore\n./jetty_base/resources/joc/https-keystore.p12\n\nCA Certificates\nJOC Cockpit Private Key / Certificate",fillcolor="orange"]

Client_Truststore_CA_RootCertificate [shape="ellipse",shape="ellipse",label="CA Root Certificate",fillcolor="white"]
Controller_Truststore_CA_RootCertificate [shape="ellipse",shape="ellipse",label="CA Root Certificate",fillcolor="white"]
JOC_Truststore_CA_RootCertificate [shape="ellipse",shape="ellipse",label="CA Root Certificate",fillcolor="white"]
JOC_Keystore_CA_RootCertificate [shape="ellipse",shape="ellipse",label="CA Root Certificate",fillcolor="white"]
JOC_Keystore_CA_IntermediateCertificate [shape="ellipse",label="CA Intermediate Certificate",fillcolor="white"]

Controller_Keystore_CA_RootCertificate [shape="ellipse",shape="ellipse",label="CA Root Certificate",fillcolor="white"]
Controller_Keystore_CA_IntermediateCertificate [shape="ellipse",label="CA Intermediate Certificate",fillcolor="white"]
Controller_PrivateKey [shape="ellipse",label="Controller Private Key",fillcolor="white"]
Controller_Keystore_Certificate [shape="ellipse",label="Controller Certificate",fillcolor="white"]

JOC_PrivateKey [shape="ellipse",label="JOC Cockpit Private Key",fillcolor="white"]
JOC_Certificate [shape="ellipse",label="JOC Cockpit Certificate",fillcolor="white"]

Controller -> Controller_Keystore 
Controller_Keystore -> Controller_Keystore_CA_RootCertificate -> Controller_Keystore_CA_IntermediateCertificate [label=" add to keystore "]
Controller_Keystore -> Controller_PrivateKey -> Controller_Keystore_Certificate [label=" add to keystore "]

ClientController -> JOC Controller_Truststore 
Controller_Truststore -> Controller_Truststore_CA_RootCertificate [label=" add to truststore "]

Client -> JOC [label=" establish JOC Cockpit connection "]
Client -> Client_Truststore [label=" use certificate store "]
Client_Truststore -> Client_Truststore_CA_RootCertificate [label=" add to truststore, e.g. by Group Policies "]

JOC -> JOC_Keystore 
JOC_Keystore -> JOC_Keystore_CA_RootCertificate -> JOC_Keystore_CA_IntermediateCertificate [label=" add to keystore "]
JOC_Keystore -> JOC_PrivateKey -> JOC_Certificate [label=" add to keystore "]

JOC -> JOC_Truststore
JOC_Truststore -> JOC_Truststore_CA_RootCertificate [label=" add to truststore "] 

JOC -> Controller


  • On the JOC Cockpit server run the following command and replace the JETTY_HOME and JETTY_BASE placeholders as specified above:

    Code Block
    titleAdd HTTPS module to Jetty
    java -jar "JETTY_HOME/start.jar" -Djetty.home="JETTY_HOME" -Djetty.base="JETTY_BASE" --add-to-start=https
  • Having executed the above command you should find a new folder JETTY_BASE/etc
    • Jetty expects a Keystore in this folder with the name "keystore" by default

    • You can copy the JETTY_HOME/etc/keystore file to JETTY_BASE/etc/keystore as a workaround, however, you should use your own Keystore for later on (see step 2). It is not recommended to use the default Keystore as in particular, the Keystore from JETTY_HOME/etc/keystore expires after a short lifetime.


      Jetty doesn't start if it doesn't find a keystore corresponding its settings.

  • In addition some entries in the JETTY_BASE/start.ini configuration file for SSL settings such as the HTTPS port are added.

Step 2: Create the Java Keystore for Jetty

    • .


      Jetty doesn't start if it doesn't find a keystore corresponding its settings.

  • In addition a number of entries in the JETTY_BASE/start.ini configuration file for TLS/SSL settings such as the HTTPS port are added.

Step 2: Create the Keystore and Truststore for Jetty

  • On the JOC Cockpit server create the Java Keystore using the Keytool from your Java JRE or JDK or some third party utility.
    • For use with a third party tool
      • create a Keystore, e.g. https-keystore.p12, in PKCS12 format and import:
        • JOC Cockpit private key and certificate
        • Root CA certificate
        • Intermediate CA certificates
      • create a Truststore, e.g. https-truststore.p12, in PKCS12 format and import:
        • Root CA certificate
    • For use with Keytool generate
    On the JOC Cockpit server create the Java Keystore using the Keytools from your Java JRE or JDK.
    • Generate the Java Keystore in JKS or PKCS12 format with the private key and public certificate for Jetty. The below examples suggest one possible approach for certificate management, however, there may be other ways how to achieve similar results.
      • Example for use of self-import of CA signed certificate with JKS keystore formatto a PKCS12 keystore:

        Code Block
        titleExample how to generate a JKS Keystore with private key and public certificateadd a CA signed certificate to a PKCS12 Keystore
        # should the# generate JOC Cockpit's private key withand aliascertificate name "joc-https" in abe provided with a .jks keystore (joc-httpskeypair.jks)
        # then temporarily useconvert the fullykeystore qualifiedto hostnamepkcs12 (FQDN) and name of your organization for the distinguished name
        keytool -genkey -aliaskeystore.p12)
        #   for later use with openssl, assuming the alias name of the JOC Cockpit private key being "joc-https"
        # keytool -dname "CN=hostname,O=organization" -validity 1461 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keypass jobscheduler -keystore "JETTY_BASE/etc/joc-https.jks" -storepass jobscheduler
      • Example for use of self-signed certificate with PKCS12 keystore format

        Code Block
        titleExample how to generate a PKCS12 Keystore with private key and public certificate
        # generate JOC Cockpit private key with alias name "joc-https" in a keystore (joc-https.p12)
        #   use the fully qualified hostname (FQDN) and name of your organization for the distinguished name
        #   consider that PKCS12 keystores require to use the same key password and store password
        keytool -genkey -alias "joc-https" -dname "CN=hostname,O=organization" -validity 1461 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keypass jobscheduler -keystore "JETTY_BASE/etc/joc-https.p12" -storepass jobscheduler -storetype PKCS12
      • Example for use of CA signed certificate with PKCS12 keystore format:

        Code Block
        titleExample how to add a CA signed private key and public certificate to a PKCS12 Keystore
        # should your JOC Cockpit private key and certificate by provided with a .jks keystore (keypair.jks) then temporarily convert the keystore to pkcs12 (keystore.p12)
        #   for later use with openssl,importkeystore -srckeystore keypair.jks -destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias joc-https
        # assuming your JOC Cockpit private key from a pkcs12 keystore (keystore.p12), store the JOC Cockpit private key to a .key file in PEM format (joc-https.key)
        openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nocerts -out joc-https.key
        # concatenate CA Root certificate and CA Intermediate certificates to a single CA Bundle certificate file (ca-bundle.crt)
        cat RootCACertificate.crt > ca-bundle.crt
        cat CACertificate.crt >> ca-bundle.crt
        # Export JOC Cockpit private key (joc-https.key), JOC Cockpit certificate (joc-https.crt) and CA Bundle (ca-bundle.crt) in PEM format to a new keystore (https-keystore.p12)
        #   assume the fully qualified hostname (FQDN) of the JOC Cockpit server being ""
        openssl pkcs12 -export -in joc-https.crt -inkey joc-https.key -chain -CAfile ca-bundle.crt -name -out "JETTY_BASE/resources/joc/https-keystore.p12"
        # should you require use of a .jks keystore type then convert the pkcs12 keystore assuming the alias name of the JOC Cockpit private key isbeing "joc-https"
        # keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keypair.jkshttps-keystore.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore https-keystore.p12jks -deststoretype PKCS12JKS -srcalias joc-https
        # assuming your 
      • Example for use of self-signed certificate with a PKCS12 keystore

        Code Block
        titleExample how to generate a self-signed certificate for import into a PKCS12 Keystore
        # generate JOC Cockpit private key from with alias name "joc-https" in a pkcs12 keystore (https-keystore.p12), store
        #   use the JOCfully Cockpitqualified privatehostname key(FQDN) toand aname .keyof fileyour inorganization PEMfor format (joc-https.key)the distinguished name
        #   consider that PKCS12 keystores require to use the same key password and store password
        keytool -genkey -alias "joc-https" -dname "CN=hostname,O=organization" -validity 1461 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keypass jobscheduler -keystore "JETTY_BASE/resources/joc/https-keystore.p12" -storepass jobscheduler -storetype PKCS12
      • Example for use of self-signed certificate with a JKS keystore

        Code Block
        titleExample how to generate a self-signed certificate for import into a JKS Keystore
        # generate JOC Cockpit private key with alias name "joc-https" in a keystore (https-keystore.jks)
        #   use
        openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nocerts -out joc-https.key
        # concatenate CA root certificate and CA intermediate certificates to a single CA Bundle certificate file (ca-bundle.crt)
        cat RootCACertificate.crt > ca-bundle.crt
        cat CACertificate.crt >> ca-bundle.crt
        # Export JOC Cockpit private key (joc-https.key), JOC Cockpit public certificate in PEM format (joc-https.crt) and CA Bundle in PEM format (ca-bundle.crt) to a new keystore (joc-https.p12)
        #   assume the fully qualified hostname (FQDN) and name of theyour JOCorganization Cockpitfor serverthe to be ""
        openssl pkcs12 -export -in joc-https.crt -inkey joc-https.key -chain -CAfile ca-bundle.crt -name -out joc-https.p12
        # should you require use of a .jks keystore type then convert the pkcs12 keystore assuming the alias name of the JOC Cockpit private key to be "joc-https"
        # keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore joc-https.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore joc-https.jks -deststoretype JKS -srcalias joc-httpsdistinguished name
        keytool -genkey -alias "joc-https" -dname "CN=hostname,O=organization" -validity 1461 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keypass jobscheduler -keystore "JETTY_BASE/resources/joc/https-keystore.jks" -storepass jobscheduler -storetype JKS
      • Example for import of a Root CA certificate to a PKCS12 truststore

        Code Block
        titleExample how to generate a self-signed certificate for import into a PKCS12 Keystore
        # import Root CA certificate in PEM format to a a PKCS12 truststore (https-truststore.p12)
        keytool -import -alias "root-ca" -file "RootCACertificate.crt" -keystore "JETTY_BASE/resources/joc/https-truststore.p12"
      • Explanation:Explanations

        • Replace the JETTY_BASE placeholder as specified above.
        • The -dname option specifies the certificate issuer, therefore use your own set of CN, OU, DC that specify the issuer's distinguished name. The O setting is required for the issuer.
        • The -keypass option accepts the password that you will need later on to manage your private key. 
        • The -keystore option specifies the location of your Keystore file.
        • The -storepass option specifies the password for access to your Keystore file.
        • The -storepass option is used for the PKCS12 keystore format, this option is not required for the JKS keystore format.
  • Alternatively apply a private key and certificate that are issued by your organization certificate authority or a trusted authority.

Step 3: Configure Jetty

  • Edit the following entries in the JETTY_BASE/start.ini configuration file corresponding to the Java Keystore:

    Code Block
    ## Keystore file path (relative to $jetty.base)
    ## Truststore file path (relative to $jetty.base)
    ## Keystore password
    ## KeyManager password (same as keystore password for pkcs12 keystore type)
    ## Truststore password


    • Specify the location of the Keystore with the keyStorePath setting and optionally of the Truststore with the trustStorePath setting. A location relative to the JETTY_BASE directory can be specified.
    • Specify the password for your Keystore with the keyStorePassword setting. If a Truststore is used then specify its password accordingly with the trustStorePassword setting.
    • The password specified with the keyManagerPassword setting is used for access to your private key. The same password as for the keyStorePassword setting has to be used for a PKCS12 keystore type.

  • Specify the HTTPS port with the following entry of the JETTY_BASE/start.ini configuration file (default HTTPS port is 48446):

    Code Block
    ## Connector port to listen on


To deactivate HTTP access simply add a comment to the following module directive in your JETTY_BASE/start.ini configuration file like this:

Code Block
# Module: http
# --module=http

Set up a secure connection from


JOC Cockpit to the



This configuration is applied in order to secure the connection if JOC Cockpit and JobScheduler Master Controller are not operated on the same server. If not otherwise stated then the steps for HTTPS configuration are performed on the server that hosts the JobScheduler MasterController.

Step 1: Create the Java Keystore

  • On the JobScheduler Master server create the Java Keystore using the Keytools Keytool from your Java JRE or JDK . The below examples suggest one possible approach for certificate management, however, there may be other ways how to achieve similar results.or some third party utility.
    • For use with a third party tool
      • create a Keystore, e.g. https-keystore.p12, in PKCS12 format and import:
        • Controller private key and certificate
        • Root CA certificate
        • Intermediate CA certificates
      • create a Truststore, e.g. https-truststore.p12, in PKCS12 format and import:
        • Root CA certificate
    • Generate the Java Keystore with the private key and the certificate for the Controller and export the certificate to a second Keystore that is later on used by the JOC Cockpit. The below examples suggest one possible approach for certificate management, however, there may be other ways how to achieve similar results.
      • Example for use of CA
    • Generate the Java Keystore with the private key and the public certificate for the JobScheduler Master and export the certificate to a second Keystore that is later on used by the JOC Cockpit.
      • Example for use of self-signed certificate with JKS keystore format

        Code Block
        titleExample how to generate a JKS Keystore with private key and public certificate
        # generate Master private key with alias name "master-https" in a keystore (private-https.jks)
        #   use the fully qualified hostname (FQDN) and name of your organization for the distinguished name
        keytool -genkey -alias "master-https" -dname "CN=hostname,O=organization" -validity 1461 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keypass jobscheduler -keystore "SCHEDULER_DATA/config/private/private-https.jks" -storepass jobscheduler
      • Example for use of self- signed certificate with PKCS12 keystore format

        Code Block
        titleExample how to generate add a CA signed private key and certificate to a PKCS12 Keystore with private key and public certificate
        # should the Controller's private key and certificate be provided with a .jks keystore (keypair.jks) then temporarily convert the keystore to pkcs12 (keystore.p12)
        #   for later use with openssl, assuming the alias name of the Controller# generate Master private key with aliasbeing name "mastercontroller-https" in a keystore (private-https.p12)
        #   use the fully qualified hostname (FQDN) and name of your organization for the distinguished name
        #   consider that PKCS12 keystores require to use the same key password and store password
        keytool -genkey -alias "master-https" -dname "CN=hostname,O=organization" -validity 1461 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keypass jobscheduler -keystore "SCHEDULER_DATA/config/private/private-https.pk12" -storepass jobscheduler -storetype PKCS12
        Example for use of CA signed certificate with PKCS12 keystore format
        Code Block
        titleExample how to add a CA signed private key and public certificate to a PKCS12 Keystore
        # should your Master private key and certificate by provided with a .jks keystore (keypair.jks) then temporarily convert the keystore to pkcs12 (
        # keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keypair.jks -destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias controller-https
        # assuming the Controller's private key from a pkcs12 keystore (keystore.p12), store the Controller private key to a .key file in PEM format (controller-https.key)
        openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nocerts -out controller-https.key
        # concatenate CA Root certificate and CA Intermediate certificate to a single CA Bundle certificate file (ca-bundle.crt)
        cat RootCACertificate.crt > ca-bundle.crt
        cat CACertificate.crt >> ca-bundle.crt
        # Export Controller private key (controller-https.key), Controller certificate (controller-https.crt) and CA Bundle (ca-bundle.crt) in PEM format to a new keystore (https-keystore.p12)
        #   forassume laterthe usefully withqualified openssl, assuming the alias name hostname (FQDN) of the MasterController privateserver keybeing is "master-https"
        # keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keypair.jks -destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias master-https
        # assuming your Master private key from a pkcs12 keystore (keystore.p12), store the Master private key to a .key file in PEM format (master-https.key)
        openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nocerts -out master-https.key
        # concatenate CA root certificate and CA intermediate certificates to a single CA Bundle certificate file (ca-bundle.crt)
        cat RootCACertificate.crt > ca-bundle.crt
        cat CACertificate.crt >> ca-bundle.crt
        # Export Master private key (master-https.key), Master public certificate in PEM format (master-https.crt) and CA Bundle in PEM format (ca-bundle.crt) to a new keystore (private-https.p12)
        #   assume the fully qualified hostname (FQDN) of the Master server to be ""
        openssl pkcs12 -export -in master-https.crt -inkey master-https.key -chain -CAfile ca-bundle.crt -name -out private-https.p12
        # should you require use of a .jks keystore type then convert the pkcs12 keystore assuming the alias name of the Master private key to be "master-https"
        # keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore private-https.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore private-https.jks -deststoretype JKS -srcalias master-https""
        openssl pkcs12 -export -in controller-https.crt -inkey controller-https.key -chain -CAfile ca-bundle.crt -name -out https-keystore.p12
        # should you require use of a .jks keystore type then convert the pkcs12 keystore assuming the alias name of the Controller private key being "controller-https"
        # keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore https-keystore.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore https-keystore.jks -deststoretype JKS -srcalias controller-https
      • Example for use of self-signed certificate with PKCS12 keystore format

        Code Block
        titleExample how to generate a self-signed certificate for import into a PKCS12 Keystore
        # generate Controller's private key with alias name "controller-https" in a keystore (https-keystore.p12)
        #   use the fully qualified hostname (FQDN) and name of your organization for the distinguished name
        #   consider that PKCS12 keystores require to use the same key password and store password
        keytool -genkey -alias "controller-https" -dname "CN=hostname,O=organization" -validity 1461 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keypass jobscheduler -keystore "https-keystore.pk12" -storepass jobscheduler -storetype PKCS12
      • Example for use of self-signed certificate with JKS keystore format

        Code Block
        titleExample how to generate a self-signed private key and certificate for import into a JKS Keystore
        # generate Controller's private key with alias name "controller-https" in a keystore (https-keystore.jks)
        #   use the fully qualified hostname (FQDN) and name of your organization for the distinguished name
        keytool -genkey -alias "controller-https" -dname "CN=hostname,O=organization" -validity 1461 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keypass jobscheduler -keystore "https-keystore.jks" -storepass jobscheduler
      • Explanations

        • Replace the SCHEDULER_DATA placeholder as specified above.
        • The -dname option specifies the certificate issuer, therefore use your own set of CN, O, OU, DC that specify the issuer's distinguished name. The O setting is required for the issuer.
        • The -keypass option accepts the password that you will need later on to manage your private key. With the default password being used no further settings are required as explained below.
        • The -keystore option specifies the location of your Keystore file. 
          • The Keystore file should be in reach of the JobScheduler Master, it is therefore recommended to use a sub-folder private in the ./config directory.
          • Using the default file name "private-https.jks" will save the effort of adding further settings as explained above.
        • The -storepass option specifies the password for access to your Keystore file. For the handling of the default password the same applies as stated with the -keypass option.
        • The -storetype option is used for the PKCS12 keystore format, this option is not required for the JKS keystore format.
    • If not otherwise configured then the JobScheduler Master Controller by default uses the password jobscheduler for the respective Keystore.
    • If you choose an individual password for the JobScheduler Master Controler Keystore then adjust the following properties in the SCHEDULER_DATA/config/private/private.conf configuration file:
      • Explanations
        • jobscheduler.master.webserver.https.keystore.file is used for the path to the Keystore
        • jobscheduler.master.webserver.https.keystore.password is used for the Keystore password
        • jobscheduler.master.webserver.https.keystore.key-password is used for the password of your private key
      • Example

        Code Block
        titleExample for private.conf file specifying the Master Keystore
        jobscheduler.master.webserver.https.keystore {
          file = "C:/ProgramData/"
          # Backslashes are written twice (as in JSON notation):
          # file = "\\\\other-computer\\share\\my-keystore.jks"
          password = "jobscheduler"
          key-password = "jobscheduler"
  • Export the JobScheduler Master public certificate for use with the JOC Cockpit Web Service
    • Example for export with JKS keystore format

      Code Block
      titleExample how to export the Master public certificate from a JKS Keystore
      # export Master public certificate from keystore (private-https.jks) identified by its alias name (master-https) to a file in PEM format (master-https.crt)
      keytool -exportcert -rfc -noprompt -file "master-https.crt" -alias "master-https" -keystore "SCHEDULER_DATA/config/private/private-https.jks" -storepass jobscheduler
    • Example for export with PKCS12 keystore format

      Code Block
      titleExample how to export the Master public certificate from a PKCS12 Keystore
      # export Master public certificate from keystore (private-https.p12) identified by its alias name (master-https) to a file in PEM format (master-https.crt)
      keytool -exportcert -rfc -noprompt -file "master-https.crt" -alias "master-https" -keystore "SCHEDULER_DATA/config/private/private-https.p12" -storepass jobscheduler -storetype PKCS12
    • The exported public certificate of each JobScheduler Master has to be imported to the Java Truststore that is used by the JOC Cockpit.


  • Specify the ports with the <config> element in the SCHEDULER_DATA/config/scheduler.xml configuration file like this:

    • the HTTP port is required but is limited to the localhost network interface with the http_port attribute
    • the HTTPS port with the https_port attribute of like this:

      Code Block
              <config http_port="localhost:40444" https_port="48444" mail_xslt_stylesheet="config/scheduler_mail.xsl">
                      <!-- other elements -->

Step 4: Configure the JOC Cockpit



On the JOC Cockpit server perform the following steps:

  • The JOC Cockpit Keystore can also be used as a Truststore where the certificates of a number of JobScheduler Masters are imported. 
    • Example for JKS PKCS12 Keystore

      Code Block
      titleExample how to import the Master public certificate to JOC Cockpit JKS PKCS12 Keystore
      # import Master public certificate from a file in PEM format (master-https.crt) identified by its alias name (master-https) to the JOC Cockpit JKSPKCS12 keystore (joc-https.jksp12)
      keytool -importcert -noprompt -file "master-https.crt" -alias "master-https" -keystore "JETTY_BASE/etc/joc-https.jksp12" -storepass jobscheduler -storetype PKCS12 -trustcacerts 
    • Example for PKCS12 JKS Keystore

      Code Block
      titleExample how to import the Master public certificate to JOC Cockpit PKCS12 JKS Keystore
      # import Master public certificate from a file in PEM format (master-https.crt) identified by its alias name (master-https) to the JOC Cockpit PKCS12JKS keystore (joc-https.p12jks)
      keytool -importcert -noprompt -file "master-https.crt" -alias "master-https" -keystore "JETTY_BASE/etc/joc-https.p12jks" -storepass jobscheduler -storetype PKCS12 -trustcacerts 
    • ExplanationsExplanation:

      •  The alias of each certificate has names of any certificates have to be unique for the target Keystore.
    • Alternatively, you can import the JobScheduler Master certificates into the default Java Truststore (JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts) of the Java installation which is used by Jetty, however, this setting will be lost if you switch the Java version.
  • If you use the Keystore of your JOC Cockpit Web Service in Jetty as the Truststore of the JobScheduler Master certificates then add the location of the Truststore to  the JETTY_BASE/resources/joc/ configuration file like this:

    • Example for JKS PKCS12 keystore format

      Code Block
      ### Location of the Java truststore that contains the certificates of each all
      ###   JobSchedulerControllers Masterused for HTTPS connections. The path can be absolute or relative
      ###   relative to
      truststore_path = ../../etcresources/joc/https-https.jkstruststore.p12 
      truststore_type = PKCS12
      truststore_password = jobscheduler
    • Example for PKCS12 JKS keystore format

      Code Block
      ### Location of the Java truststore that contains the certificates of each all
      ###   JobSchedulerControllers Masterused for HTTPS connections. The path can be absolute or relative
      ###   relative to
      truststore_path = ../../etcresources/joc/https-httpstruststore.p12 jks
      truststore_type = PKCS12JKS
      truststore_password = jobscheduler
  • Explanations
    • The relative path from the above example looks up the Keystore in the JETTY_BASE/etc directory.
  • The hostname verification can be added optionally in the JETTY_BASE/resources/joc/ configuration file.

    Code Block
    ### Should hostname verification be carried out for https certificate. 
    ### Default false
    https_with_hostname_verification = true


  • In order to apply modifications to ./config/private/private.conf files of the Master Controller or to any configuration files of JOC Cocckpit Cockpit a restart of the respective component is required.
