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- Any operations that can be performed on orders, workflows, jobs and related objects such as cancelling, suspending and resuming orders are performed by the JS7 REST Web Service API.
- Note that any operation provided by the JOC Cockpit GUI makes use of the REST Web Service API.
- You can find more detailed information in the the
Technical Documentation of the REST Web Service API article.
- In addition, a PowerShell module is available for simplified access to the REST Web Service API, see JS7 - PowerShell Module.
- The REST Web Service API is called by using an HTTP client that sends JSON based requests and receives JSON based responses.
- The following REST Web Service API requests are available:
- The first operation of a client is call to this URL in order to authenticate and to retrieve an access token.
- A valid account and password have to be provided by the client for HTTP authentication. For HTTPS connections in addition or alternatively JS7 - Certificate based Authentication can apply, for details see JS7 - Identity and Access Management.
- Permissions apply as explained by JS7 - Management of User Accounts, Roles and Permissions.
- Subsequent calls to URLs can, for example, retrieve the inventory of workflow.
- Find the respective URLs from the Technical Documentation of the REST Web Service API
- The JS7 REST Web Service API returns the relevant JSON response indicated with the docs.
- The last operation of a client is a call to this URL in order to logout from the REST Web Service API.
- Requirements
- REST Web Service API requests should use HTTP POST or GET operations as indicated.Should the idle timeout between two web service requests exceed the JOC Cockpit session timeout then a login has to be performed, see JS7 - Settings.
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