Versions Compared


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The same applies to JDBC Drivers. There might be newer versions of JDBC Drivers that e.g. include bug-fixes. Do not ask SOS if JS7 is compatible to a specific JDBC Driver version. Ask your DBMS vendor if a newer version of the JDBC Driver is compatible to the one stated above. When picking a JDBC Driver then check compatibility with the Java version in use. For Java versions that can be used with JS7 see the Which Java versions is JobScheduler available for? article.

SOS performs >5000 regression tests when it comes to compatibility of Java, DBMS and JDBC Driver versions. The versions listed above are included in the SOS regression testing. If a specific version is not stated above then this doesn't mean that JS7 will not work with this version, it means that this version is not included with SOS regression testing. SOS supports the use of newer DBMS and JDBC Driver versions not stated above as long as users prove that they are operated in a compatibility mode that corresponds to one of the versions stated above.


  • The JDBC connection URL makes use of the embedded H2® database server. The database file is will be located in /var/
  • You can store the above configuration without further changes in the /var/ directory.
  • Note that for a standalone H2® database server a syntax such as jdbc:h2:tcp://<host>:<port>/jobscheduler can be used where <host> is the hostname and <port> is the H2® database port (frequently: 1521).


  • The example uses the Oracle® database listener running with hostname oraclesrv and port 1521. The database Service Name is xe.
  • If you want to use a Service ID instead of a Service Name, then use the URL syntax: jdbc:oracle:thin:@oraclesrv:1521:xe
  • If you want to directly specify additional settings typically used from tnsnames.ora, then use the URL syntax: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS =(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=oraclesrv)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=XE)(GLOBAL_NAME=XE.WORLD)(SERVER=DEDICATED)))
  • The NLS_COMP setting is specified for use with UTF databases.
  • If you want to use Oracle Wallet®, then specify empty values for the <property name="hibernate.connection.username"> and <property name="hibernate.connection.password"> elements. You will find further information in the How to connect to an Oracle database without using passwords article.

  • The JDBC Driver URL for Oracle® RAC databases can be added like this:

    Code Block


First of all, users have to create a database schema and account for JS7. The database schema has to support the Unicode character set.The following sections provide some common examples that are neither complete and nor exhaustive. Database administrators might apply their own standards for setting up a database for JS7for JS7. The database schema has to support the Unicode character set.

The following sections provide some common examples that are neither complete and nor exhaustive. Database administrators might apply their own standards for setting up a database for JS7.

Setup for H2®

When using the JS7 - JOC Cockpit - Installation Using the Graphical Installer for Linux and Windows then the database will be created automatically.

As a prerequisite users have to download the H2 JDBC Driver, for example from

  • JDBC Driver version 1.4.200 is reported to work with JS7.
  • The JDBC Driver .jar file, for example h2-1.4.200.jar
    • can be specified with the JOC Cockpit graphical installer,
    • can be added to an existing JOC Cockpit installation, see chapter Individual JDBC Driver Versions.
      • In this situation users can run the following commands
        • cd $JETTY_BASE | cd %JETTY_BASE%
        • ../install/ | ..\joc_install_tables.cmd
      • It is required to navigate to the JETTY_BASE directory to run the above commands in order to have the database being created in ./resources/joc/ specified by the H2® Hibernate configuration file.

H2® ships with a console application that by default is available for browsers from port 8082. It is not required to run the H2® console application, however, find the following information how to invoke the console application.

  • JOC Cockpit has to be stopped as the embedded H2® database can be used by a single client only.
  • The console application and the database are started by invoking the H2® .jar file like this:
    • cd $JETTY_BASE | cd %JETTY_BASE%
    • java -jar ./lib/ext/joc/h2-1.4.200.jar -webAllowOthers -tcpAllowOthers
  • It is required to navigate to the JETTY_BASE directory to run the above commands in order to have the database being created in ./resources/joc/ specified by the H2® Hibernate configuration file.
  • The H2® console application should launch a browser window if executed from the local machine and otherwise will displays a URL to connect to the application.
  • For login users should specify
    • the URL: jdbc:h2:./resources/joc/h2/joc as indicated from the above Hibernate configuration file
    • the user name: joc
    • an empty password.

Setup for MariaDB®/ MySQL®


For secure connections without use of passwords refer to the information in the JS7 - How to make JOC Cockpit connect to an Oracle database using Wallet® article.


When creating the database consider using UTF based character encoding and a collating sequence that supports UTF - for example:


When installing or updating the JOC Cockpit, you can specify the JDBC Driver that should be used by the installer, for details see:

The following sections explain how to add a JDBC Driver to an existing installation without updating the JOC Cockpit from the installer.
