Versions Compared


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Get-JS7Order [[-OrderId] <String>] [[-WorkflowPath] <String>] [[-WorkflowVersionId] <String>] [[-Folder] <String>] [-Recursive] [[-DateTo] <DateTime>] [[-RelativeDateTo] <String>] [[-Timezone] <TimeZoneInfo>] [[-RegularExpression] <String>] [-Compact] [-Pending] [-Scheduled] [-InProgress] [-Running] [-Suspended] [-Completed] [-Prompting] [-Waiting] [-Failed] [-Blocked] [-IgnoreFailed] [<CommonParameters>]


Orders are selected from the JS7 Controller

* by the folder of the order location including sub-folders,
* by the workflow that is assigned to an order,
* by an individual order Order ID.

Resulting orders can be forwarded to other cmdlets for pipelined bulk operations.

The following REST Web Service API resources are used:

* /order
* /orders



-OrderId <String>
Optionally specifies the identifier of an order that should be returned.


-WorkflowVersionId <String>
Deployed workflows can be assigned a version identifier. This parameters parameter allows to selectselection of
workflows that are assigned the specified version.


-Recursive <SwitchParameter>
Specifies that any all sub-folders should be looked up if the -Folder parameter is used.
By default no sub-folders will be searched for orders.


-DateTo <DateTime>
Specifies the date until which orders should be returned.
Consider that a UTC date has to be provided.

Default should no order Order ID be provided: End of the current day as a UTC date


-RegularExpression <String>
Specifies that a regular expession is applied to the order Order IDs to filter results.
The Order ID includes the Order Name attribute that is specified when adding the order like this for an Order Name "myIdentifier":


A regular expression 'Identifier$' matches the above Order ID.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Pending <SwitchParameter>
Specifies that orders in a pending state should be returned. Such orders are not
assigned a start time.

Default valueFalse
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Scheduled <SwitchParameter>
Specifies that orders in a scheduled state should be returned. Such orders are scheduled
for a later start time.

Default valueFalse
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Suspended <SwitchParameter>
Specifies that orders in suspended state should be returned. An order can be suspended
e.g. when being affected by the Suspend-JobSchedulerOrder JS7Order cmdlet or by the respective manual operation from the GUI.

Default valueFalse
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Completed <SwitchParameter>

Default valueFalse
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Prompting <SwitchParameter>
Specifies that orders in a prompting state should be returned. Such orders are put on hold by a
prompt instruction in a workflow and require confirmation before proceeding with execution of the workflow.
For details see the Confirm-JS7Order cmdlet.

Default valueFalse
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Waiting <SwitchParameter>
Specifies that orders in a setback state should be returned. Such orders make use of an interval
specified by a retry operation in the workflow for which they are repeated in case that a job fails.


-Failed <SwitchParameter>
Specifies that orders in a failed state should be returned. Orders are considered being to have failed
if a job in the workflow fails.


PS > $orders = Get-JS7Order -OrderId "#2020-11-19#P0000000498-orderSampleWorfklow2a"

Returns the order with the respective identifier.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------

PS > $orders = Get-JS7Order -RegularExpression 'sos$'

Returns orders with an Order ID that ends with the string "sos".

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 --------------------------
