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The jobs used in JobStreams Job Streams can have their individual run-times, which changes the execution process of the job in a JobStreamsJob Stream. The run-time to the of a job can be used to postpone the execution of a job in the JobStreamJob Stream. There are two possible solutions in which the execution of the job can be postponed in a JobStreamJob Stream:

  1. Postpone the execution for a later hour within the same day
  2. Skip the execution of the job in a JobStreamJob Stream

Postpone the execution for a later hour within the same day

Postpone the execution of job for a later hour within the same period or same day

The execution of a job in a JobStream Job Stream can be postponed for the later hours by assigning a Time Slot frequency.  

The job in the JobStream Job Stream will only be executed if the execution time for the job is between within the Time Slot interval. If the execution time is not in the Time Slot interval, then the Otherwise the job is added to the Task Queue for later execution and will be marked as Not In Period.

E.g., If we want to restrict a limit the period for job execution for to two hours i, , a job should be executed every each day between the time interval from 14:00 to and 16:00, then we can assign a Time Slot frequency to the job with Begin = 14:00 and End = 16:00. Refer to the screenshot for reference.

Skip the


Execution of


a Job in a


Job Stream

To skip the execution of the Job in a JobStreamJob Stream, you need to assign a working day days calendar to Jobthe job.

The working day days calendar assigned to the Job job includes the frequency of dates in a frequency on which should not be skippedthe job can be executed

A job can be skipped by assigning a calendar in two ways:

  1. Create a working day days calendar, including dates only the dates on for which the Job job should not be skippedexecuted.

  2. Create a working day days calendar with a frequency for every day. Assigning it Assign the calendar to the Job job and adding add a restriction.

E.g., If we want to skip the execution of a job in a JobStream Job Stream, e.g. from Monday to Friday, then create a working day days calendar with a frequency for every day. Assign the calendar to the Job job and then add a restriction as Sat for Saturday and SunSunday.

This means that when When the Job Stream runs (is running Monday to Friday ) and as the Job has a then the job will be skipped for these days due to the restriction to run only Saturday and Sunday (due to assigned calendar) then the Job will be skipped and generate the event for the OutCondition with the expression rc:0.

Note: If a job is skipped, then it creates the event for the OutCondition rc:0. And it cannot be modified Out Condition is created as if the job completed with exit code 0.