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titleArticle only applies for the Classic JOC interface

The information provided on this page only applies to the Classic JOC user interface, which is entering retirement:

Display feature availability

The JOC Cockpit user interface replaces JOC:

Display feature availability

See the JOC Cockpit - Features Article for general information about the features of the JOC Cockpit.

A detailed list of the functions available with JobScheduler's operating interface, JOC.


Table of Contents
outlinh1. true
outlinh1. true
2stylh1. none


  • via right click in the left tree view of the jobs.
  • via the Job menu button in the left list view of the jobs.
  • via the Job menu button in the right detail view of a job which you get when you have click on a job.


These functions are:

show log


If the job is configured directly in the ./config/scheduler.xml then this function is inactive.

Underlying command: <show_job job="jobname" what="source"/>


This function is inactive for order jobs. Order jobs can only be started by an order.

Underlying command: <start_job job="jobname"/>

start task after


Relative times - "now + HH:MM[:SS]" and "now + SECONDS" - are allowed.

Underlying command: <start_job job="jobname" at="..."/>

start task parametrized

Here you get a dialog for a later job start and for parameter settings. See start task after.

Underlying command: <start_job job="jobname" at="..."><params><param name="..." value="..."/>...</params></start_job>


But you can start a stopped job manually via the start task immediately function.

Underlying command: <modify_job job="jobname" cmd="stop"/>


This function is only active for a stopped job to unstop it.

Underlying command: <modify_job job="jobname" cmd="unstop"/>


It isn't a kill. The job is not stopped after the end tasks.

Underlying command: <modify_job job="jobname" cmd="end"/>


The tasks are still alive.

Underlying command: <modify_job job="jobname" cmd="suspend"/>


This function continues all suspended tasks and the next process step is called.

Underlying command: <modify_job job="jobname" cmd="continue"/>


It close the task of the API job after the current process step.

Underlying command: <kill_task job="jobname" id="task-id"/>


The job stops when it is configured to stop on error.

Underlying command: <kill_task job="jobname" id="task-id" immediately="yes"/>


If the order is temporary or is configured directly in the ./config/scheduler.xml then this function is inactive.

Underlying command: <show_order job_chain="jobchainname" order="order-id" what="source"/>


Hereby you start the order immediately.

Underlying command: <modify_order job_chain="jobchainname" order="order-id" at="now"/>


Relative times - "now + HH:MM[:SS]" and "now + SECONDS" - are allowed.

Underlying command: <modify_order job_chain="jobchainname" order="order-id" at="..."/>


Here you get a dialog for a later order start and for parameter settings. See start order at.

Underlying command: <modify_order job_chain="jobchainname" order="order-id" at="..."><params><param name="..." value="..."/>...</params></modify_order>


You get a dialog to modify some order settings like id, status and parameters before the new order will be started.

Underlying command: <add_order job_chain="jobchainname" order="order-id" at="..."><params><param name="..." value="..."/>...</params></add_order>


A suspended order cannot start the job task of its current job chain node due to its run time until you resume it.

Underlying command: <modify_order job_chain="jobchainname" order="order-id" suspended="yes"/>


This function is only active for a suspended order to resume it.

Underlying command: <modify_order job_chain="jobchainname" order="order-id" suspended="no"/>


The order log will not be closed. If a a reset order starts then its log appends.

Underlying command: <modify_order job_chain="jobchainname" order="order-id" action="reset"/>


This function stops the automatically repeat.

Underlying command: <modify_order job_chain="jobchainname" order="order-id" setback="no"/>