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Code Block
titlePowerShell Job with different output channels
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<job  process_class="my_Agent" stop_on_error="no">
    <settings >
        <log_level ><![CDATA[debug1]]></log_level>

    <script  language="powershell">
# Use Write-Output or Echo cmdlets to write to the JobScheduler log
Write-Output "job: this is some output"
echo "job: this is some output"

# This does not work: Use of Write-Host cmdlet is not applicable
# Write-Host "job: this is some output"

# Standard PowerShell verbose setting is considered for log output
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
Write-Verbose "job: this is some verbose output"

# Standard PowerShell debug setting is considered for log output
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
# In addition the current log level of the job has to be set, e.g. log level "debug1" logs debug messages
Write-Debug "job: this is some debug output"

# creates a warning for the job
Write-Warning "job: this is a warning"

# can be used to throw an error
# Write-Error "job: this is an error"

    <run_time />


  1. Using PowerShell standard output
    • Use of the Write-Output and Echo cmdlets is applicable.
    • Use of the Write-Host cmdlet is not applicable for PowerShell jobs as the cmdlet requires a PowerShell host console to be available (powershell.exe), whereas JobScheduler runs PowerShell in a process without interaction.
  2. Using PowerShell verbose output
    • The standard PowerShell verbosity setting is considered for log output
    • Use $VerbosePreference = "Continue" 
    • Subsequently use the Write-Verbose cmdlet.
  3. Using PowerShell debug messages
    • The PowerShell debug setting is considered for log output in jobs by use of $DebugPreference = "Continue"
    • In addition, the current log level of the job has to be set, e.g. log level debug1 will log debug messages.
      • With the JobScheduler log level being switched to info no debug output is written to the log file.
      • With the JobScheduler log level being switched to debug1debug2, ..., debug9 then debug output is added to the log.
  4. Using PowerShell Warnings
    • Warnings are created by use of the Write-Warning cmdlet. Such warnings create corresponding warnings in the JobScheduler Master that are visible from the log and that might trigger a notification by mail.
  5. Using PowerShell Error Messages
    • Use of the Write-Error cmdlet will create a job error that is visible from the log and that triggers subsequent actions as e.g. notification by mail, stopping the job, suspending an order etc. 
