Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • format:
    • <command> \${pid} \${user}
  • default value:
    • /bin/ps -ef | grep \${pid} | grep \${user} | grep -v grep
  • description:
    • The command or script checks if the process on the remote host is still running. The cleanup job expects an exitcode = 0 if the process is still running or other than 0 if the process is not available anymore. The command or script depends on the OS of the remote host. If the command is not set, the default command for Linux is used.
       The ${pid} and ${user} placeholders will be substituted by the cleanup job. Note that the leading $ character has to be escaped with "\".
    • Example commands:
      • /bin/ps -ef 
        • writes all running processes to stdout on the remote host
      • | grep \${pid}
        • filters the result to show only results containing the given ${pid}
      • | grep \${user} 
        • filters the result to show only results containing the given ${user}
      • | grep -v grep
        • filters the grep command itself

Example: Configuration With JOE






Example XML Configuration

Code Block
titlejob xml
<job order="yes" stop_on_error="false" title="Launch commands or executable files by SSH">
    <include file="jobs/JobSchedulerSSHJob.xml"/>
    <param name="host" value="[HOST]"/>
    <param name="port" value="[SSHPORT]"/>
    <param name="user" value="[USERNAME]"/>
    <param name="password" value="[PASSWORD]"/>
    <param name="auth_method" value="password"/>
    <param name="command_script_file" value="[PATH_TO_SCRIPTFILE]\/"/>
    <param name="runWithWatchdog" value="true"/>
    <param name="cleanupJobchain" value="kill_jobs/remote_cleanup_test"/>
    <param name="ssh_job_kill_pid_command" value="kill -9 \${pid}"/>
    <param name="ssh_job_terminate_pid_command" value="kill -15 \${pid}"/>
    <param name="ssh_job_get_pid_command" value="echo $$"/>
    <param name="ssh_job_get_active_processes_command" value="/bin/ps -ef | grep \${pid} | grep \${user} | grep -v grep"/>
  <script java_class="sos.scheduler.job.SOSSSHJob2JSAdapter" language="java"/>
