Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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  • The JobScheduler Universal Agent can be used to watch incoming files and to trigger a job start for each file.
  • The mechanisms for starting job chains apply as stated in the section about File Watching
    • Subsequent jobs can be executed on the JobScheduler Master or on any Agent involved.
    • Any number of jobs can be executed in sequence or in parallel for incoming files.
  • Incoming files can be removed or moved to a different location
    • by any of the jobs involved or
    • at the end of processing by a file order sink that is specified with the job chain.
  • Should an incoming file be treated by jobs, e.g. parsed or otherwise accessed, then the file has to be transferred to the host on which the respective job is executed.


  • File watching is configured by the JobScheduler Master. No configuration is required on the JobScheduler Agent.
  • The JobScheduler Master holds the configuration of a job chain with a file order source that is assigned to the Agent.


The following configuration applies to a job chain that specifies file watching on the Agent, transfer of incoming files and job execution on the Master:

Code Block
titleJob Chain remote_files_local_transfer
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<job_chain  file_watching_process_class="agent_in_dmz">
    <file_order_source  directory="/srv/files/3/in"/>
    <job_chain_node  state="transfer" job="jade" next_state="success" error_state="error"/>
    <job_chain_node  state="success"/>
    <file_order_sink  state="error" move_to="/tmp/jobscheduler/file/error" remove="no"/>

The jade job for the file transfer is configured as follows:

Code Block
titleProcess Class



Job jade
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<job  title="API Job for JobScheduler Advanced Data Exchange" order="yes" stop_on_error="no" name="jade">
    <description >
        <include  file="jobs/jadeJob.xml"/>
    <params >
        <param  name="operation" value="move"/>
        <param  name="source_host" value="dmzhost"/>
        <param  name="source_protocol" value="sftp"/>
        <param  name="source_ssh_auth_method" value="password"/>
        <param  name="source_user" value="foo"/>
        <param  name="source_password" value="bar"/>
        <param  name="target_dir" value="c:\temp"/>
        <param  name="target_protocol" value="local"/>
        <param  name="file_path" value="%scheduler_file_path%"/>
    <script  language="java" java_class="sos.scheduler.jade.JadeJob"/>
    <run_time />


  • A process class is configured in a separate file, e.g. agent_in_dmz.process_class.xml, as stated with the above sample. The process class specifies the protocol, host and port that the Agent is operated for.
  • The job chain references the above process class with the file_watching_process_class attribute that causes the subsequent configuration for file order sources to be applied to the respective JobScheduler Agent.
  • The <file_order_source> is configured as explained for a JobScheduler Master and applies to the JobScheduler Agent.
  • The JADE file transfer Job is executed on the JobScheduler Master
    • It receives the triggered file, specified in the file_path parameter with %scheduler_file_path%, from the Agent host.
      • At runtime %scheduler_file_path% is substituted with the actual path of the triggered file.
    • Alternatively, a JADE job could be run on JobScheduler Universal Agent to send the file to the JobScheduler Master host.
  • If the transfer is successfull, a file_order_sink is not required, as the JADE Job is configured with the move command which removes the input file from the agent host after transfer.