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Comment: 'JobSchedulerManagedDatabaseJobSOSHibernate' added

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Within the JITL features we have some jobs which are used to launch commands.

  • One way to define the commands


  • is using the parameter


  • values.


  • Another way is to define the statement in the script part of the job instead of the parameter command. All other required parameters remain in the parameter part of the job.

In the case that a statement is defined in the script part and also a command parameter is set given then the command parameter is executed. For a test of this fact we define an illegal command parameter and the correct version within the script part.A second test without the command parameter shows the correct execution of the statement defined in the  script part.


We have these JITL jobs which are involved in this topic:



  • Add your job to JOE as usual with the Java tab, e.g. by using the job wizard.
  • Switch to the Script tab and add the contents that is used as command.
  • Alternatively to using the Script tab you could use the Include tab and specify a file from which the content would be included for execution.


The following JITL jobs are relevant to this topic:

JITL Job JobSchedulerManagedDatabaseJob

Class namesos.scheduler.managed.JobSchedulerManagedDatabaseJob

Error execution

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This configuration causes the error: java.lang.Exception cannot be cast to com.sos.JSHelper.Exceptions.JobSchedulerException

Correctly executed

After the deletion of the command parameter the statement defined in the script part is executed correctly.

Display feature availability

This job executes statements in a database. These can be database procedures or SQL statements. 

The database connection is specified with Job and/or Order parameters.

Configuration  in JOE

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JITL Job JobSchedulerManagedDatabaseJobSOSHibernate

Class name:  com.sos.jitl.managed.job.ManagedDatabaseJobJSAdapterClass

Display feature availability

This job executes statements in a database. These can be database procedures or SQL statements. 

The database connection is specified in a hibernate configuration file.

Configuration instructions

See the Job JobSchedulerManagedDatabaseJobSOSHibernate article for an example configuration. Image Removed

JITL Job JobSchedulerPLSQLJob

Class name sos.scheduler.db.JobSchedulerPLSQLJobJSAdapterClass

The job executes PL/SQL code for Oracle databases.

Configuration  in JOE

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JITL JobSchedulerSSHJob


This job is used to execute commands, programs and/or shell scripts on a  remote server by SSH.

Configuration  in JOE

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